Chapter 13: The Office

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   What a wonderful thing sleep is. You get to lose yourself in unconsciousness and replenish your sanity. And, on occasion, sleep can provide you with a really good dream that you'll remember always.

   I'm in the middle of the wonderful action of sleeping when the feeling of a human throwing themselves on my bed rips me out of my slumber.

   I sit bolt upright in what'll be my bed for the remainder of my visit with Arin, panting in fear.

   Speaking of Arin, he's the one that's on my bed. He grabs my shoulders, smiles, and says in his obnoxiously loud voice, "Ah, good! You're awake! Come on! Get up! We've got places to go!" He says all this while shaking me.

Did this bro really have to rip me out of such a good sleep?

"What..? Where do we have to go..?" I ask groggily, my annoyance at Arin showing in my tired voice as I furrow my eyebrows in confusion.

   "To the office, silly! The Game Grumps office!" Arin giggles, hopping off my bed and bouncing excitedly.

   What? Since when did I have to go there? Yeah, it'd be cool to meet all of Arin's colleagues, but right now? When I was enjoying a nice sleep?

   "I get why you'd have to go there now," I begin, running a hand through my knotted hair, "since you're the one that works there. But why do I have to go as well? It's early, man. Why can't you just leave me here?"

   Arin's expression falls. "I...guess I can... I just thought that you'd like to meet my colleagues and just...fart around with Dan and I."

   My own expression softens. Arin always was able to wrap me around his finger by sounding all sad like that. I really can't say no to that face. "Okay, okay. I'll go with you," I say with a smile.

   And just like that, his expression brightens up again. "Yes! Oh, thank you, (Y/N)!" He then opens my suitcase like it's his and yeets some clothes at me to change into. "Hurry up and change so we can get going!"

I giggle at the enthusiasm of my big bro as I catch the clothes that he throws at me. "All right. Skedaddle outta here then."

Arin nods happily and dashes out of my room and shuts the door behind him.

I sigh, shaking my head to myself as I smile. I then peel off the pajamas that I was wearing and replace it with the clothes that Arin pulled out. I look at myself in the mirror, shrugging at my appearance. Not bad. Arin has okay taste in outfit-picking.

I then chuck the pajamas back into my suitcase, not bothering to close it as I open the door and walk into the kitchen. There, I see that Arin is frosting cinnamon rolls while Suzy sits at the kitchen table; staring lovingly at her bubbly husband.

"Ooh, cinnamon rolls," I say, sitting down at the kitchen table next to my sister-in-law.

Arin looks back at me, smiling. "Yep. Remember how you'd go insane every time we had them as kids? You convinced Mom and Dad to make 'em at least once a week, and Nate and I got so sick of 'em."

(I just realized that this is the first time I've ever mentioned Nate, Arin's actual sibling. Forgive me, Nate. You exist now. owo)

I laugh a little, recalling the glory days of my childhood. "Yeah, I remember that. Well, look who's making them now. Looks like my ways have rubbed off on you, huh?"

Arin laughs a bit too, going back to frosting the last remaining cinnamon roll. "I guess so. Can't say I mind, though." After doing so, Arin carries the plate of cinnamon rolls to the table and sets them on it. He then takes a seat across from Suzy and I.

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