Chapter 11: Plans And A Salty Brother

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   I can't believe Dan just asked me to go on a date with him. Is this real? God, I hope so.

   He smiles nervously at me, awaiting my response.

   But, for some reason, I'm not answering him. I'm just staring at him with my mouth wide open. My brain is telling my mouth to form the words I wanna say, but my mouth doesn't feel like being bossed around today.

   Finally, my brain gets through to my mouth. "Yes," I whisper, my voice incapable of being any louder. "I'd love to go on a date with you, Dan."

   Dan's smile turns from nervous to relieved and joyous. He breathes out a laugh of relief and says, "G-Great! Um...I'll pick you up at Arin's place tomorrow at 7:00 for dinner. Sound good to you?"

I nod, my mouth incapable of saying any more.

Dan smiles at me, and we just sit there awkwardly for about a minute. I look down at the the ground, awkward eye contact not really being my thing.

   Then, I feel a finger under my chin.

   Dan lifts my face up with his finger so that I'll look at him. He smiles at me once he has my attention. Then, he begins to lean in...

   My heart rate increases by about a million beats. But, for the sake of the moment, I lean in too.

   And, before I know it, our lips are touching.

   His lips are so soft...

   Dan pulls me closer as I shut my eyes, loving this feeling. I tangle my hands up in his beautiful, brown locks of hair, and he wraps his arms around my waist.

   The kiss starts to get more and more deep, until...

   "Guys, are you ready to go n—oh my God!" I hear Arin say from behind us.

   That makes Dan and I pull apart real fast. We both whip around to see Arin with his hands over his eyes. After a bit of silence, he peeks out and sees that we're done. His gaze moves to Dan, and he stares at him with a look that could kill.

   "Um...hi, Arin..," Dan says, smiling awkwardly.

   "Don't 'hi, Arin' me, Dan," Arin huffs. "Come on. We're going."

   And just like that, Arin walks back to the main area without us.

   I sigh. "I should...probably calm him down a bit...or else he'll probably serve your head on a stick to a bunch of orcs..," I say quietly, laughing a little as I stand up. Dan laughs as well. "I'll take him back to the main area and we can talk it out from there. You should just hang back for a few minutes," I say.

   Dan nods. "Okay. I will."

   Arin's always been protective of things he holds dear, and both Dan and I know that. So, I guess something about Dan kissing me struck a chord with Arin.

   I shoot Dan one last awkward smile, running through the trees to catch up to Arin right after.

   I eventually see him, and he's leaning against some random tree, huffing angrily and tapping his foot. He sees me running towards him, but he doesn't run away. He instead averts his gaze and lets me run up to him.

I eventually reach him and say, "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry you had to see that, Arin!" I wrap my arms around him and hug him.

   Arin huffs and pushes me away. "Okay, okay, whatever. It doesn't matter, okay? I'm fine."

   "That doesn't look like the face of someone who's fine," I say with a smile, patting Arin's cheek.

   Arin slaps my arm away. "Okay! I'm not fine!" he says, his tone nearly giving me chills. "I hate the idea of you giving yourself up to Dan. Even if it's just kissing...something Suzy and I do all the time. It's just...with you...I feel that I need to protect you...and..."

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