Chapter 10: The Lake

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   The car ride to the lake is filled with stunned silence from Arin, Suzy, and I. Dan is silent too, however his silence is smug. I'm curled up on my seat and am staring out the window, still flustered from the events that just occurred. The passing California scenery means nothing to me as I think about the kiss Dan just gave me.

   However, I manage to tear my eyes away from the window, the feeling that I'm being watched making me want to do so.

   And sure enough, Dan is looking at me, a handsome smirk lining his face.

   My face heats up as I look away once more. Well, isn't he proud of himself. No question mark needed.

"So..," Arin begins awkwardly. He coughs, not knowing how to continue. Even Arin, Arin, is speechless. Normally he has something to say about anything and everything. He finally says, "Dan, that was bold."

I look to Dan, wondering what his response will be.

   Another smirk crosses his face. "I know~" he says smoothly. He glances to me, his smirk growing wider.

   I have no idea where this confidence is coming from. But I ain't hating it. But I also am kinda hating it. But more not. I blush, smiling to myself.

Suzy snickers as Arin clutches onto the steering wheel with force, while he was loosely cruising with one hand before.

"What's wrong, Arin?" I ask, raising an eyebrow and leaning forward a bit.

He exhales, trying to calm himself. "It's nothing."

"Sure doesn't seem like nothing. You're practically strangling the steering wheel over there," I say with a small chuckle.

"I said it's nothing," Arin snaps. His mad voice always had made me afraid. And it sure is making me afraid now.

I sink back into the chair, shutting my trap. I look out the window once more and sigh.

Arin's expression softens. His mirror tells me so. He says, "Hey, I'm sorry. It's just...I don't know. Something about the way Dan said 'I know' and how you just makes me nervous."

Dan's expression turns from smug to concerned. "Nervous? Why?"

I nod, looking at Arin curiously.

He sighs. "It makes me nervous because (Y/N) is obviously head over heels for you, Dan."

"Whoa! Arin!" I gasp.

"Shh. Let me finish," Arin says, sternly eyeing me from the mirror. "And because (Y/N) is head over heels for you, anything that you say will impact her. One little remark could drag her down. Anything you tell her to do, she'll comply. And I'm worried she'll get her heart broken or something will happen to her because of that."

"Arin, you honestly think that I—" Dan began, eyeing Arin with hurt and annoyance.

"No! The reason I didn't tell you guys at first was because I knew it was irrational! But because (Y/N) is my little sister, I just...worry about her, I guess," Arin says. "I just want her little heart to be happy."

I smile faintly to myself. "Well, thanks, Arin. Happy to know that you don't wanna burn me along with all the Subway restaurants. But even if Dan does end up hurting me in some way, if we even get together—"

"(Y/N), I would never—" Dan cuts in.

I cut him off again. "Shh. As I was saying, if we even get together and if Dan hurts me, I'll tough it out. I'm strong. But, if all else fails," I smile, "I have an amazing older brother that would help me."

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