Chapter 16: Dan's Surprise

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I smile as Arin wraps a piece of cloth around my eyes. Dan is about to come over to take me to an unknown destination, and Arin has been filled in on the plan. "Any hints of where I'm going, bro?"

I can hear the smile in Arin's voice as he knots the cloth at the back of my head. "Nope. Dan has forbidden me from saying anything."

I whine. "Come on, man! We can keep it a secret! Dan doesn't have to know!"

Arin giggles as he releases me, done with his work. "Nope~! Both of us want it to be a complete surprise for you~!"

"Fine..," I pout.

Arin then laughs evilly as I pout, making me a bit scared. Whenever he laughs like that, you're in trouble. I open my mouth to ask why he's laughing, but he answers my question without me even having to ask. "It's gonna be fun having you blind until Dan gets here. I could...I dunno...SCARE YOU!" He then grabs my shoulders suddenly, just as Ross had done yesterday.

I jump and let out a squeak of fear, my heart rate increasing by about a million beats. I waddle away from the area that I was in before, hands out in front of me, not wanting to smack into anything. Once I feel that I'm decently far away from Arin, I stop, bracing myself for any sort of impact. "Arin, don't do that~!" I whine.

   "Too bad you can't make me stop!" Arin says, laughing. "But I will anyway. Aren't I nice?"

   "'Nice' might be a bit of an exaggeration, don't ya think?" I ask, a smirk making its way into my face.

   "Hey!" Arin says. "I could scare you again! There's nothing stopping me! So if I were you, I'd be a little bit more kind."

   I sigh, knowing that Arin has a good point. "Fine. I will," I huff.

   "Good!" Arin exclaims with satisfaction. He then gasps. "Ooh! Dan's here!"

I smile in anticipation, ready for my curly-haired boyfriend to swoop me off to who-knows-where.

I hear the sounds of footsteps and a door opening. Arin must've let Dan in. "Hello, Daniel," Arin says. Once again, I can hear the smile in his voice. "Your blind girlfriend is ready for you."

   "Ah, excellent," Dan says, the smile in his voice apparent also. "Hey, baby. You ready to go?"

   "Yep! I'm excited," I say, bouncing a little bit.

   "Aw, good! Trust me, I won't disappoint you!" I then hear footsteps, signaling that someone is entering the house. I then feel Dan grab my hands. I smile. His hands are soft and warm. "I'm gonna guide you to the car, all right? We'll take it nice and slow."

I nod as Dan slowly starts to lead me out of the house. "Bye, Arin!" I smile, excitement fluttering about in my chest.

   "Catch ya later, (Y/N)," Arin responds. "Have fun, you two."

   I then feel a rush of humidity and hear the sound of a door closing. We must be outside now. A desperation for a hint on where we're going takes over my body, so I ask Dan for one. "Danny, can I please have a hint about where we're going?"

   Dan chuckles. "Nope!"

   "Danny~!" I whine.

   "No~!" Dan whines back, laughing. He then stops walking. We must be at the car now. I then hear the sound of a door opening. "All right, we're at the car now. Just duck in. Watch your head."

   I put my hands out, wanting to know how close I am to the car. I'd rather not face-plant on the asphalt of Arin's driveway. Once my hands come in contact with the hot metal, I duck, and, miraculously, clamber into the car.

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