Chapter 7: A Movie Night

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Arin flops onto the couch, grabs the remote, and hits the play button. Dan, Suzy and I sit down as well, watching the opening scene of the movie. You know, where all the babies are in Heaven or wherever that place is?

   Arin reaches for the popcorn bowl on the table, and I smack his hand away.

He looks at me, confused. "What?"

I smirk, grabbing the popcorn bowl and holding it close to me. "This is my popcorn. You're not welcome to have any of it."

"But I made it!" Arin whines, trying to snatch it away from me.

I hold it even closer to me so that Arin isn't able to take it. "But I set it on the table. Everyone knows that the person who sets a bowl of popcorn on a table is the true owner of said popcorn."

"No! It's the person that makes it!" Arin argues, still attempting to grab the bowl out of my hands.

Arin's right, but I don't want him inhaling all of the popcorn and leaving none for me. And besides, telling lies to Arin is way more fun than you'd think.

   "(Y/N)'s right, Arin," Dan says. "She set the bowl down on the table, so she's the owner. She decides whether you can munch or not."

   Arin huffs in frustration. "Suzy, back me up on this."

   Suzy shrugs. "Hate to say it Arin, but (Y/N)'s right." I guess she loves lying to Arin as much as I do. I see her and I becoming good friends someday.

   Arin growls to himself and crosses his arms, a pouty expression on his face. "I hate you all."

   "Aw, we love you too, Arin," Dan says, hugging Arin. Aww, the bro fluff.

   Arin huffs and shoves Dan away. Whelp. The bro fluff moment has been ruined.

   Dan pretends to cry. Without thinking, I put the popcorn down and wrap my arms around Dan, hugging him tightly. "Arin's a sad human being. I'm sorry you have to deal with this every day."

   Still pretending to cry, Dan sniffles and hugs me back. "I know. He drives me more crazy than anyone ever has."

Arin scoffs. "What about Dana? You always say how crazy she makes you."

"Dana?" I repeat, pulling apart and looking at Dan quizzically.

"My sister," Dan clarifies. "And yeah, she does get under my skin, but Arin is way worse."

"Why do I not find that hard to believe?" I mutter, earning snickers from Dan and Suzy. Arin, however, is silent due to his saltiness.

I glance at Arin, the movie pretty much forgotten by me at this point. Dan and Suzy are watching it, but Arin's looking at me with a mischievous smirk.


   I avert my gaze, nervous at what Arin's gonna do. I heard his plan. I know what's in store for me.

   But, surprisingly, nothing happens. I don't feel a hand pushing me on top of Dan, I don't hear Arin say some embarrassing words. He's not doing anything.

   I look back at Arin, and he's watching the movie. Not paying attention to me at all.

   Huh. Maybe I just imagined that smirk then. Maybe this night won't have too much embarrassment after all.

   I smile to myself, grab the popcorn bowl once more, and focus my attention on the movie. I've actually seen it before. It's pretty good. I've always been a sucker for cartoon movies. Now, we're at the scene where Tim's playing pretend. I munch on my popcorn while inwardly geeking out about the stellar animation. Yeah, I'm an animation nerd. Sue me.

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