Chapter 14: Officially Official

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   A small gasp makes its way out of my lips. I don't know what I was expecting Dan to say, but it sure as hell wasn't that. We've only had one date!

   I avert my gaze, trying to think about how to respond. I can feel Dan's brown eyes burning holes into my body as he intently studies me, looking for a sign as to what I'm thinking.

   I bite my lower lip softly as my brain goes over what I want my answer to be. Yes or no, (Y/N)? Yes or no?

   I want to say yes, because Dan is amazing. So amazing. He's sweet, funny, trusting, and beautiful, and he wants to date me, and I want to date him as well. But on the other hand, this is moving really fast. I feel like I don't necessarily mind the pace this is moving, but there's a little cloud of apprehension hanging out in the back of my mind. That because of the pace this relationship is going, it's not gonna work, and I'm gonna get hurt somehow.

   But the feeling of want is much stronger than the feeling of apprehension. And we can just take it slow. Not jump into any commitments until both Dan and I are ready for them. So I go by my heart, even though I know that that's not the best way to judge things.

   My eyes finally meet Dan's, and he forces a nervous smile. He decides to prod, since I'm still not saying anything. "Well..? What do you think?" he asks, his tone soft.

   My lips curl up in a smile, and that makes Dan's forced smile melt into a genuine one. I nod, saying. "I'd love to be your girlfriend, Danny."

   Dan laughs with relief. "Yes!" he cheers. He then covers his mouth, saying through his hands, "That was louder than I meant that to be... Sorry..."

   I laugh as I take Dan's hands away from his mouth. "It's fine. In fact, I found your enthusiasm kind of cute."

   Dan blushes and looks away from me, smiling. "Did you now?" He then looks back at me, his smile now a smirk. "Cute enough for you to give me a kiss?"

   Now it's my turn to blush. I smile, saying, "I suppose so." I then peck Dan's lips.

   He sighs with disappointment. "That's it?" he asks in a pouty voice.

   I laugh and press my lips to Dan's, this time for longer.

   Dan hums in content and wraps his arms around my waist, while mine wrap around his neck.

   After a bit, I pull apart. "Better, you needy son of a—?"

   "Hey!" Dan pouts, releasing me so that he can cross his arms.

   I giggle and release him also. "Aw, don't be all sad about it." I then ruffle his extremely puffy hair with my hand, loving how soft it is.

   Dan hums once more as he closes his eyes, liking the feeling of his hair being played with.

   Once I remove my hand from his hair, Dan smiles and says, "I suppose we should go tell the others about us, huh?"

   I smile, imagining how stoked Arin will be to hear of this development. "Yeah, we should."

   So we both get up and walk to where everyone is gathered. On the walk there, Dan intertwines our fingers, radiating his warmth onto my hand.

   I look up at him, and he's looking at me with a smirk. "What, never seen a guy hold his girlfriend's hand before?"

   I laugh a little. "I have, but I...uh..." I trail off, not having an excuse.

   Dan finds this amusing, for he giggles a little.

   By that time, we reach the room where everyone's hanging out. Arin's leaning against the office's wall while having a cheery conversation with Ross, Ben and Chris are silently playing Rock Paper Scissors, Brian is cheering for Chris to win at said Rock Paper Scissors game, Suzy is cheering for Ben to win, and Allie and Jory are watching some type of video together.

Dan clears his throat, which grabs everyone's attention. Dan raises our intertwined hands above my head (I'm shorter, so that's about as high he can jerk my hand to) (If you're somehow close to 6'2, ignore that) and cries, "She said yes!"

Everyone cheers. Arin is the loudest, since he's this relationship's number one fan. Huh. I guess everyone knew about Dan's little plan to ask me to be his girlfriend. I had thought that only Brian knew, since he was the one that verbalized that Dan had something to tell me.

And he was the one that Dan looked like he was about to murder.

Arin rushes up to me and embraces me in a rib-cracking hug, forcing me to let go of Dan's hand. "Ah! My little sis is growing up! I'm so proud!" he says, jumping up and down with me in his arms.

I hug Arin back, jumping with him. It hurts more if I stand completely still, so... "Indeed I am, bro."

Arin releases me from the hug but grabs onto my shoulders instead. He smiles sincerely at me. "I love you, sis."

I roll my eyes. "Sappy, much?" I giggle. "But I love you too, Arin."

I look over at Dan, and all the guys are giving him manly handshakes and slapping him on the back, saying their congratulations. I smile. He's my boyfriend now.

I'm snapped out of my daze by someone tapping me on the shoulder. I look at the mystery person, and it's Suzy. She's smiling that sweet smile at me, and she opens her arms for a hug.

I gladly accept, wrapping my arms around her.

Suzy hugs me back as she says, "You and Dan are gonna make the best couple ever. I wish you guys luck for the future."

I smile into the hug, pulling apart. "Thanks, Suze."

Arin stares lovingly at his two girls before walking over to Dan to give a manly congratulations of his own. I watch as Arin hugs Dan, but the hug is less manly than I pictured it to be. They're rubbing each other's backs instead of doing the manly handshake-then-slap-hug way of hugging. They then pull apart, and Arin whispers something to Dan, presumably a threat of some kind, since he's obviously protective of me. Dan responds by rolling his eyes and saying, "I won't, Arin. You know that."

   I'm about to watch their conversation some more when all the guys that were congratulating Dan come to congratulate me. Allie follows, since she congratulated Dan first also.

   I gladly accept all of the hugs and nice words of all of them, and after everyone's done congratulating Dan and I, I feel a chin rest on top of my head as extremely thin arms wrap around me.

   I roll my eyes, laughing. "Hey, Dan."

   Dan giggles as he releases me. "How'd you know it was me?" he asks as he stands next to me so that I can actually see him.

   "I recognize those arms," I say, poking Dan's noodle arms.

   Dan whines. "They're not that small!"

   I smile, wanting to give Dan this one. After all, he did find the strength in those arms to pick me up at the beach. Don't ask me how. "You're right, I stand corrected."

   Dan smiles sweetly and holds my hand again.

   I smile back and intertwine his fingers with my own.

   This relationship is gonna be so much fun.

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