Prologue: Gisele

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Prologue: Gisele

You know that moment in your life when everything seems to fall apart. That moment that changes everything. It almost feels like a dream, and in five minutes, you'll wake up from that nightmare. That moment, it happened to me. It felt like everything was taken from me. I lost a part of myself. I don't know whether to be grateful for the moment or be pissed.

It was the simplest thing that changed everything...I came home early.

I had been working non-stop for two weeks. I love my job, but it doesn't get any easier. I am a Forensic Social Worker. I deal with concerns such as child custody issues, child neglect, spousal abuse, and juveniles. One of my latest cases was stressing me out. The father of a five-year-old boy was trying to keep custody of his son. However, the father is an alcoholic and has been found guilty of neglecting his son. His one goal to get his son back was to complete rehab and remain sober for six months. He completed the rehab but relapsed in three weeks. Now, I had no other option but to terminate his parental rights. The only person I felt bad for was Mason, his five-year-old son. Mason was having issues in every foster home he went to, and something told me that wouldn't change. He lost his mother at a very young age and had no other family willing to take him in, even temporarily. I couldn't find any of his mother's family.

But today, of all days, I decided I needed a break from the paperwork and the emotions this case brought me. Lately, I have been tired and unable to get a good night's sleep. So, I came home early. It's a normal thing to do. I had plans to eat ice cream and binge-watch a TV show. However, as I retrieved the ice cream from the freezer, I heard noises coming from the master bedroom. I could have sworn I heard moaning. If there's moaning going on in this apartment, it's usually me; at that moment, I was nowhere near moaning. So, I dropped my purse, keys, and the ice cream on the kitchen counter. I had to figure out what that noise was, so I headed for the bedroom door. That's how I found my sister on top of my fiancé, galloping like a horse. Beads of sweat were sliding down her toned, slim back. It was almost as if I was frozen in time. Their moans were in sync with the rhythm of their bodies. I couldn't move or open my mouth.

Genevieve, my sister, is my best friend. We are like two peas in a pot, or at least I thought we were. I tell her everything: my fears, wants, loves, etc. So, it's not like we have problems, but there she was on top of my fiancé naked, riding him and moaning. I was in utter shock. These were the two people I love most in this world having sex with each other.

Jackson Scott, my fiancé, and I have known each other since high school. He's the only man I've ever been with, physically and emotionally. I thought this was the man I would spend the rest of my life with. We would get married, have kids, and live happily ever after. How wrong was I? When I was introduced to Jackson in high school, he was the quarterback of the football team and the most popular boy at school. He was the most attractive man I had ever laid eyes on. He towered over me at 6 feet. Who could resist a man with hazel eyes and six-pack abs? Flawless skin, the color of honey, made him more appealing. Man, I thought I hit the jackpot with this one. Yes, he has sex appeal, but there was more to him. I could talk to him, and he listened. He was like the perfect guy inside and out. So, I thought.

Before my mom died, she used to tell me, "If it's too good to be true, then it is." I guess she was right, after all.

I haven't even gotten to the worst part.

I stood in the doorway for a second, thinking about what to do next. I couldn't think of my next move, so I cleared my throat to get their attention. I wanted them to know I had caught them red-handed. They couldn't lie or tell me bullshit because I caught them with my own two eyes.

My sister noticed me first. She rolled off Jackson, allowing him to get a clear view of me. Jackson started grabbing clothes as I closed the door and returned to the kitchen. I know I should be yelling or throwing things. To be honest, I was too exhausted and shocked to even talk, let alone fight with someone. So, I did the only thing I could; I opened my ice cream and tried to eat my sorrows away.

My sister came storming out of the room moments later, fully dressed. I could see tears in her light brown eyes. I don't know why she would be crying because I'm the one who was stabbed in the back. She ran her hands through her short boy cut hair as she opened her mouth to speak, but I gave her a disapproving look, which meant I didn't want to hear anything she had to say. I was so hurt and angry. I couldn't form words of hate. I couldn't stand to look at her either. She's my older sister. She was supposed to protect me; however, she was causing me the most pain. So, I weaved her off, and she exited my apartment as fast as possible.

As soon as the apartment door closed behind my sister, Jackson walked out of the room in just his boxers. He didn't make any effort to get dressed. Jackson was so apologetic I could barely concentrate on his words.

"Baby, it was all an accident." he pleaded.

All I wanted to do was laugh at him. Knocking someone over or dropping their pencil is an accident. Having sex with my sister in our bed, I don't consider that an accident. This probably wasn't their first time. I thought back to all the times I left them alone together. Genevieve helped Jackson pick out my engagement ring. Were they sleeping together, then?

Jackson continued to apologize and pour out his heart. I was barely listening as I drowned my sorrows in ice cream. How could they do such a thing to me? How long had it been going on? I was beyond hurt, so hurt I couldn't form any words. I was speechless. As Jackson continued to talk, the less his words meant to me. Nothing he could do or say could fix this situation. We're not even married yet, and he's already cheating.

So finally, I slowly said, "We. Are. Done."

There was no way I would take him back. I don't care how long we've been together or how long we've known each other. He had committed the ultimate betrayal.

If you didn't think it could get any worse, you're wrong.

It gets worse.

After telling Jackson I was done, he slapped me across the face. No lie, he actually slapped me. He slapped me so hard ice cream flew out of my mouth. I was beyond stunned at that moment. No man has ever laid hands on me. I wasn't expecting that. I expected him to get on his knees and beg for forgiveness. But slap me? Not a regular slap but a back-hand slap. I did not deserve that. What kind of man have I been dating? I never knew him at all if he could sleep with my sister and slap me in the face like it was a regular thing.

You would think it couldn't get any worse than that, but it does. Let me take this moment to explain it's not just the case that's making me so exhausted, but it's also the fact that I'm 12 weeks pregnant. So not only was I shocked, but I was terrified. If he could slap me so carelessly, then he could do even more damage.

I rubbed my sore jaw as Jackson informed me, "The only way you can leave me is through death."

I wasn't angry or pissed at that moment; I was terrified. All I knew was I had to get out of there and fast. I believed every word that he said. I believed this man would kill me from the look in his eyes. It was a look I had never seen, but it was filled with darkness. I never thought I would be in this situation; however, who does. I thought this man was the man I would be with for the rest of my life. Never would I have imagined he would be threatening my life.

I knew one thing for sure; I had to make a move and fast. I am no fighter, and I have never been in a fight. I grabbed the closest thing to me, a frying pan. Before I could make the pan connect with his face, he grabbed me by the throat. I could feel his fingers tightly sucking the life out of me. As I gasped for air, I tried to kick or punish him, but none of my efforts worked. A lot of what followed is kind of blank to me. I remember him shoving me into a wall, then two more smacks to the face, and I was on the linoleum floor. I know I kept crying for him to stop. I remember begging for our unborn child's life. It was like he couldn't hear my screams; he just kept hitting me.

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