Chapter 17: Gisele

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Chapter 17: Gisele

It was challenging and exciting to search for my new apartment. I had two apartments in mind, but it turned out they were way out of my budget. It turns out the county is too expensive. I had been searching for a while, but as the rental office lady showed me the model apartment for an apartment complex not too far from Crystal, I was sold. It was Crystal's idea to come and look at these apartments, but I was sure I wouldn't like them because they were small. I was absolutely wrong. The apartment was beautiful. It had all the amenities on my checklist and more. As soon as we stepped foot in the model apartment, I was in awe. I was snapping pictures left and right. I was ready to move in already.

After snapping pictures, I stood by the balcony and texted three of them to Wesley.

Lately, I couldn't get Wesley off my mind. Apart of me felt really guilty that I was thinking about Wesley, a married man so much. But another part continued to think that we were just friends. Somewhere deep, deep down, I knew Wesley and I were slowly moving away from the friend's zone. I knew this from the way he held me when I had my breakdown. He held me gently and tightly. I can't really explain how that one hug made me feel a connection I never felt with another man. Technically, I only have one other person to compare it to, but I never felt this way about Jackson. When Wesley's thumb brushed my cheek, I felt a spark.

I felt like a horrible person. I can't fall for a married man. I would be just like my sister. Even though I knew I was wrong, I still waited for his text anxiously. Crystal continued to look around the place. In my opinion, one bedroom doesn't have much you need to look at. The view from the balcony was the best part. I snapped another picture of it and sent it to Wesley with a message that read, what do you think?

I had to have been on the balcony for about 10 minutes, and still no text back. He probably couldn't even see the pictures on his small little flip phone. The thought of that made me laugh. I put my phone back in my bag and headed back in to find Crystal. It didn't take long; seems how the apartment is not that big. As soon as I closed the sliding door to the balcony, I saw her standing in the kitchen.

"You work today?" I asked her.

"It's your birthday! I took off so we could go see that new gangster movie."

Everyone has been talking about that movie for weeks. I'm not one who is interested in action movies, and I'm more of a romantic comedy type of girl. It is my birthday; shouldn't I pick the movie?

"Don't you have a boyfriend to see that with?"

"He refuses to see the movie with me, and I want to see it." I didn't say anything back because I had no interest or care in seeing this movie either. "O come on, you drag me to see movies like Cars and Madagascar."

What can I say, I also have a thing for PG-13 movies too.

"Fine," I said.

She jumped with joy. Crystal likes action and horror movies. I don't care what kind of movie we see as long as it has a happy ending, and children's movies tend to have happy endings. I see a lot in my line of work, and I don't care to see even more in movies or television shows.

Unfortunately, that excuse wouldn't work on Crystal, not this time anyway. She was dragging me to see this movie, whether I liked it or not. She was lucky there were no other movies out that I was interested in seeing.

After I signed papers for the apartment and talked with the landlord, Cyrstal dragged me to Towson to see this movie. The movie wasn't all that bad. It still had a lot of killing, and I don't like to watch that, but the premise was good. It wasn't the best movie I've ever seen, but it wasn't the worst, either. After, we went out for drinks to celebrate the rest of my birthday. We returned to Crystal's apartment around 9 pm. It was my birthday, but it was also a Monday. We both had an early morning the next day.

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