Chapter 10: Wesley

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Chapter 10: Wesley

Gisele's presence was becoming increasingly bothersome. The following day, thoughts of her lingered in my mind. She managed to both irritate and captivate me simultaneously. However, her unpredictable mood swings were a cause for concern. Just the previous day, she had cycled through bouts of tears, anger, and laughter. It was frustrating.

I was taken aback by Gisele's unexpected understanding of my stance on pro bono cases. Anticipating a scolding or derogatory remark, her contrasting reaction piqued my curiosity even more. For a significant portion of the night, I thought about her. I didn't get enough sleep on a typical night, and last night, I got even less sleep. Consequently, upon entering my office and discovering Jeremy's presence, my irritation flared. A short nap before my noon surgery seemed out of the question with Jeremy around.

Reluctantly, I settled into my chair as Jeremy delved into concerns about Crystal. He expressed her distress regarding his sexual history. Jeremy admitted to me to having downplayed his actual count. I cautioned him about the potential repercussions of his past actions catching up to him. However, from what Jeremy said, they reconciled later that day, putting the matter to rest.

"You know her number wasn't really low either," he informed me.

"Were you upset?" I asked.

"Hell, yes, but I couldn't tell her that because my number was up there too. What woman you know at the age of 29 has had 15 sexual partners..."

"You know they say you have to times that number by two because women lie," I added jokingly.

"Thank you, Wesley," he said with an attitude.

It was entertaining to see Jeremy so worked up over a woman. I've never seen this and thought I would never see it. I have never seen Jeremy in a monogamous relationship, either.

"Enough about her. I came to talk to you about what's going around the hospital about you." Jeremy had my full attention. "You know, most of the doctors hate you around here." I shrugged my shoulder.

The doctors and nurses think I'm arrogant like Gisele does. They say I'm emotionally detached, but I'm also one of the best doctors in this hospital. I'm not looking for friends or confidants. If I do my job and I do it well, nothing else matters. I have earned the right to be confident.

"Rumor has it your new girlfriend made you perform surgery on a pro bono case." Jeremy pushed. "Who's this girl you were with?"

"It was Gisele."

"Are you smitten with this woman?" Jeremy questioned.

"I wouldn't call it that," I muttered.

I found Gisele attractive physically, but it was her intelligence that was quite appealing. I enjoy the allure of a woman's mind. Her ability to see beyond my profession adds to her appeal. However, her frequent mood swings pose a challenge. If she didn't oscillate between emotions so swiftly, she could have been a potential companion or someone I could enjoy occasional nights with at the hotel. I don't foresee any meaningful connection with her. I'm hesitant to label her a friend, as I reserve that term for very few.

"Whatever you say, but no other woman has ever made you go against your standards."

He was right. I'm a stubborn person. Once my mind is set up, it stays that way. Not even Tiffany could make me change my mind. However, I can't say it was all of Gisele's doing. I did fall for her tears. It did something to me to see her cry. She persuaded me to visit the boy. I did the surgery because of the boy. He was helpless and fragile. How could I deny that kid an opportunity to live a prosperous life? It made me wonder how many other children just like him I inadvertently turned away and possibly killed. I felt guilty and ashamed but wouldn't admit it to anyone, not even Jeremy.

"Women are difficult creatures..."

"Yeah, I can't believe you've decided to stay with one," I cut in sarcastically.

"Very funny." I shrugged my shoulders. "Crystal is different, and eventually, you will understand where I'm coming from."

I was certain I would never experience those types of feelings towards another woman. I would not allow myself to feel those feelings.

"Be careful with this Gisele woman. Crystal hasn't given me the scoop on her, but when I know, you'll know," he informed me before exiting my office.

There was no reason for caution. Nothing was or would be happening between Gisele and me. Yet, I found myself unable to shake thoughts of her while researching for an upcoming surgery. There was an allure about her; even when angry, she appeared attractive. A part of me wished I had her phone number, yet another part acknowledged it was wiser to avoid crossing paths again.

"How is it that you get your own office," that voice said, interrupting my thoughts.

Gisele was leaning against my door frame with two Starbucks coffee cups in her hands. She was wearing a snug pencil skirt paired with a peach ruffle blouse, and her work ID hung from a daisy lanyard around her neck. She had a shoulder bag on her left shoulder. Her curls framed her face, partially obscuring her eyes beneath curly bangs. She looked exquisite with her luscious lips lined with red lips. I had been fooling myself when I said there was nothing there. I felt a genuine attraction, deeper than just physical.

"I'm head of Cardio," I informed her as I leaned back in my chair.

"I'm sure that line gets the ladies every time," she smirked, then walked closer to my desk.

I wanted to come out and ask her why she was in my office, but that seemed rude. I don't mind speaking my mind or being rude, but I wanted her to stay longer than five minutes.

She held up one of the coffee cups. "I got you herbal tea as a peace offering. You don't strike me as a coffee drinker. You did order salad when we were at that Mexican restaurant."

I gladly accepted her peace offering, although I don't know why we needed one. "I don't drink coffee," I informed her. "Why do we need a peace offering?"

"You know I kind of hate you." She joked, causing me to laugh.

"They say there is truth in every joke." That is what Tiffany used to tell me.

"I find you irritating, but not so much anymore," she corrected. "I really do appreciate what you did yesterday."

"I accept your peace offering," I informed her.

I wasn't upset that she found me irritating because I find her infatuating too. It was kind of her to bring tea. I like that she was honest.

She reached into her shoulder bag and pulled out a hoodie. "I also wanted to return your hoodie," she said as she placed the hoodie on my desk. "Thank you," She added.

As the words, "Thanks for the tea," escaped my lips, I could see her turning for the door to exit. It saddened me. I wanted her to stay a little longer and converse with me more. I enjoyed her conversation. I should be preparing for my surgery, but I was more into her.

Once Gisele reached the door frame, she turned around and looked at me. I could tell she had something on her mind.

"Um, I volunteer at a shelter twice a month, and I guess I'm inviting you. You should really come." She blurted out.

"I don't do volunteer work," I informed her before she could continue.

She pulled out a pen and paper. She placed the paper in the palm of her hand and began writing on it.

"Just in case you change your mind." She placed the sheet of paper on my desk. "That's the address and the time."

Without a goodbye, she walked out of my office.

I glanced at the paper briefly before heading to surgery. Volunteering at a shelter was out of the question for me. I don't usually engage in charity work, and my schedule is full. I repeatedly reminded myself that I wouldn't volunteer. However, when Sunday arrived, I caught myself pulling out the sheet of paper.

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