Chapter 21: Gisele

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Warning: this chapter involves sex. 

            Chapter 21: Gisele

If these forehead kisses are more than platonic, how do I feel about that? My last relationship landed me in the hospital. I trusted that man with my life; can I trust another man? I don't know if I can trust Wesley. I know I like him, and I find him attractive. I have thoughts about him romantically. However, I don't think I'm ready to be intimate with another person physically or mentally. I still had healing to do from my previous relationship. This was all confusing.

As the day progressed, I realized I barely knew Wesley. I've spent a lot of time with him, yet I just find out his wife is actually dead. There's no way I can trust a man I barely know, right. I trusted Jackson with my life, and I thought I knew him well. We all know how that ended. So, could I trust Wesley? The guy has women like Dr. Hope coming at him left and right. Genevieve used to tell me never to trust someone with many secrets. Could that be said for Wesley? I wasn't sure, but I did know one thing, I couldn't stay away from him.

At 8 pm, I was finishing up notes for a case. Instead of heading home, I rushed to Wesley's favorite vegetarian restaurant before it closed. Something told me that Wesley was still in his office. I didn't bother to text him to find out. I just picked up his favorite dish and dessert. Thirty minutes later, I was in the elevator heading to Wesley's office. As expected, Wesley sat behind his desk, looking at his computer screen. He didn't even notice me in the doorway.

"Are you busy?" I asked.

He finally looked up from his computer screen. "I'm working on my speech, but I have nothing down yet."

"I can come back later?"

"No, please stay. I need a break." I step fully into his office. "You can close it behind you," Wesley added as he pointed at the door.

I shut the door and then dropped the food on his desk. "I brought dinner."

Wesley's mood quickly brightened up as I dropped his favorite dish in front of him.

"I haven't eaten all day," Wesley said.

I pulled out the food I ordered from the bag and sat on Wesley's sofa. Wesley and I didn't speak, and we concentrated on our food. I wasn't even hungry, but it was a distraction.

Finally, I broke the silence and asked: "how was your day?"

"It was okay." It seemed like he wanted to add more, but he made a face as if he remembered something. "Before I forget, I brought a few dresses for you."

I was taken aback. Why would he do something like that?

The shock must have been written on my face because he added, "You seemed uncertain about what to wear to this gala. You can wear whatever you want, but I brought you some options. The bags are in the closet. Don't forget them."

I just stared at him. What was I supposed to say? It was a nice gesture to buy me dresses. But I just wasn't sure what to make of this situation. Maybe I was reading too much into the situation again. Is this a romantic gesture or a platonic one? It seemed intimate, but again I could be reading too much into it. Really, I just wanted to jump up and down like a teenage girl as I went through the bags. Instead, I decided to play it cool.

"Thanks, that's really nice. I'll grab them before I leave." He nodded his head as he returned to his food. "Can I ask you a question?"

"You always do," Wesley said smartly.

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