Chapter 5: Wesley

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Chapter 5: Wesley

It was nearing 11 at night when I went to talk to Jeremy about my deranged day. Jeremy was sitting behind his desk when I entered and took the seat in front of him. I was going to come out and tell him about the woman I ran into today, but the array of papers and folders on the floor sidetracked me. There were frames and a lamp knocked over on his desk. Jeremy is typically immaculate. To see his office this way made me wonder what had gone on in this office before I arrived.

"Was Crystal here earlier, by any chance?" I question.

He let out a big grin and nodded his head. "That girl sure does know how to please a guy."

Jeremy was telling me more than I needed to know. I would love to meet the woman who has changed my friend in a matter of one month. This guy would have never allowed a woman in his office or his heart, for that matter. I had to meet this woman.

"One of these days, you will have to introduce me to her," I informed him.

"Since you mentioned that, I was going to ask you to come out with me tomorrow night. Crystal is bringing her friend, so I need you to keep the friend busy..."

"No way," I cut in.


"I'm tired of you setting me up with women who are too young to know what a surgeon is or who can't have a decent conversation. I don't need a woman who's more interested in what's in my pocket. I'm not letting you trick me into going out again. I'm going home tomorrow," I informed him.

"Wes, I thought you were trying to help my love life."

He had a point, and I did want to meet Crystal. "Why are you guys going on a first date with her friend?" I questioned.

"She said her friend has been having a rough time, and she needs to get her out of the house," Jerome tried to explain. "Just say you will come."

"Fine, but don't expect me to be nice," I informed him.

"Fair enough. What brings you here, anyway?"

"You know that book I tend to forget about. You know, the one I wrote three or four years ago."

"Yeah, the one that probably only sold one copy," Jeremy said sarcastically.

"I was at a bad point in my life when I wrote that book, but yeah, that one. I ran into a woman who read it, and she was determined to tell me how displeased she was with the book."

I went over what happened, which caused him to laugh.

"You wrote that in her book," Jeremy laughed, and I nodded. "Man, you're never going to find a woman."

"I don't need a woman."

"With that attitude, you're not even going to find one willing to sleep with you."

I do not tell Jeremy about my sex life. He doesn't know I have a healthy sex life.

"Have you seen my credentials? I have no problems in that department. Women line up at my door," I informed him jokingly.

"Back to this woman, was she pretty?" he asked.

She was beautiful, but I was more impressed by the fire in her eyes. The one thing that stuck out was that she called me a surgeon and not just a doctor. For some reason, that impressed me the most.

"She was beautiful," I informed him.

She seemed a little fearful when she tried to rush out of my office, but two seconds later, the fear was out of her eyes, and the fire replaced it.

"Maybe there's hope for you yet. Too bad, you may never see her again."

As intriguing as she was, I couldn't care less about seeing her again. I have other things on my plate to deal with.

"The other day, you asked me what I was so scared of." I didn't understand where he was going with that. "What are you so afraid of?" Before I could answer, he added, "Why are you afraid of being in a relationship with a woman?"

"On that note, it's time for me to go," I informed him.

Jeremy let out a chuckle as I exited his office.

Jeremy knows me well, and I do not discuss fears with anyone. I know my fears, but I like to keep them buried deep where no one, not even I, can reach them.

I returned to my office only to stare at the root of my fears and problems. A picture of my wife, Tiffany, sat before me. She looked stunning in the picture. Her hair hung loosely down her back, and her dark skin was flawless. She had on chocolate lipstick to accent her plum lips.

I would burn it if it weren't for Mason being in the picture with her. I meet Tiffany while interning at a hospital in DC. She was determined and feisty. I loved her feistiness. She could see right through my bullshit and call me out on my crap. She wasn't intimidated by my intelligence or my degrees. I admired her tenacity and ability to care for those she didn't have to care for. However, what I did not know was she was crazy and selfish. I married a woman who only cared about herself but acted like she cared for others. She was heartless and cold; I didn't realize those traits until our marriage fell apart. The sad part is I still love her. That woman deserves nothing from me, yet I gave her everything. This is why I hate talking about her. Ultimately, she hurt me the most, and she took away the one thing I cared most about. The pain of the past, my past, lingered in my heart like a ghost I couldn't exorcise.

Before I met Tiffany, I did not let people into my heart or life. I could see her as a mom, and I could see us as a family. Somehow, I went against my better judgment. I would not do that again. 

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