Chapter 15: Gisele

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Chapter 15: Gisele

It was 6 in the morning on my day off. I don't take many days off. Somehow, I talked myself into going to the gym to learn self-defense on this beautiful Friday morning. I don't know how Wesley does it. I have a long day ahead of me; however, I still dragged myself out of bed to go to the gym. I'll be honest; it wasn't to actually learn self-defense. I just wanted to be in Wesley's presence; who would have thought? It's been two months of lunches here and there. We go, or at least I go to the gym with him at least two to three times a week. It's been nothing but a lot of laughter. I have been getting to know him better. I still don't know much about his wife. They must really be going through some things. He doesn't talk about children either. He has talked a little about his mother committing suicide. According to Wesley, she couldn't deal with the event of his father dying. I suspect there's more to it, but I don't push it so much. I'm very curious, so eventually, I will. As of right now, I'm cool with learning a little bit of information at a time. I really want to know why someone would murder his father. According to Wesley, he was young, and he saw the whole thing. Who would kill someone in front of their child?

He tends to ask me a lot about my family. I don't have much of a family, so it's pretty easy to answer his questions. He also likes to ask about my occupation, at least that's what he calls it. At times, he seemed very interested in my career choice.

Before heading out the door, I stopped in the kitchen to grab coffee. Waiting by the coffee pot was Crystal herself. Crystal is never, ever up this early. I had to do a double-take. I couldn't believe my eyes.

"Going out with the good doctor?" Crystal questioned.

Normally, I would just shrug my shoulders and say a simple yes. But it was the way she said 'good doctor.' There was a hint of a sexual undertone. There is nothing sexual about Wesley and me.

I ignored her question and asked, "Can I get some coffee?"

She moved out of the way and allowed me access to the coffee pot.

"I don't know what's going on with you and Wesley, but you need to figure out what's up with his wife...."

"Seriously, we're just friends," I cut in. "I find it weird he never wants to talk about his wife. I wonder if they are separated or going through a divorce?"

"It has to be something bad if he doesn't want to talk about her. Like I said, Jeremy doesn't say much; besides, he's not really married. I think it's like bro code or something, and Jeremy is tight-lipped about it. "

"I guess, but after the gym, I'm going down to the racetracks..."

"Right, it's your dad's birthday today," she cut in. "I had so much fun last time we went, but unfortunately, I have to work, and that's why I'm up this early. They have a mandatory meeting at freaking 7 in the morning."

I laughed at her as I waved bye on my way out the door.

The gym is only a five-minute walk from Crystal's. I thought I might just beat Wesley there, but he was stretching on the mat when I walked in. I really wasn't in the mood for stretching or fighting. I really just want to sleep.

"You look wide awake," I said sarcastically.

"You don't," he joked.

I rolled my eyes, then stood on the mat and stretched with him. I've also learned that Wesley doesn't get much sleep, and it's because of the death of his parents.

"You know if someone comes to attack me, I won't have time to stretch," I informed him as I stretched my thigh muscles. Wesley laughed at me.

"Do you have court after this?" Wesley asked.

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