Chapter 16: Wesley

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Chapter 16: Wesley

Our trip to New York was her initiative. She meticulously planned it, suggesting we visit our parents' graves. It has been over three years since our last visit, and with the anniversary of our mother's death approaching, Jazmine felt it was time to pay our respects and bond as siblings.

The challenging part came when Jazmine wanted to spend the entire car ride reminiscing about our childhood memories. While I didn't mind, I was preoccupied with thoughts about Gisele. I felt a mix of anger at the atrocities inflicted on her and a strange happiness from the brief moment of intimacy when she leaned into me. The pain in her eyes compelled me to hold her close; I couldn't bear to see her in distress. I vividly recall the sensation of her soft skin against mine and the comfort of her curls resting on my chest. Despite my desire to kiss her, I refrained, aware of her vulnerability at that moment. Nevertheless, I couldn't deny my emerging feelings for her, although their nature remained uncertain.

After the bar, I drove Gisele home. She delved deeper into her family matters. Her adopted sister seemed to harbor deep-seated animosity towards the family, displaying rebellious behavior and a troubled past. I struggled to fathom how a sibling could be so callous. Despite Jazmine's occasional annoyance, I couldn't envision ever turning my back on her. It was good to get to Gisele.

"Are you listening," my sister hollered.

I wasn't listening, but I would not tell her that. My sister has a bad temper.

"You know I've heard this story a million times," I informed her.

I'm unsure what story she was telling this time, but I've heard them all a million times.

"We can talk about your love life instead."

I wish I had kept my mouth shut. My love life is not what I wanted to discuss with my sister right now. I wasn't even sure what was going on in it. At that moment, I wished I had taken a plane to New York.

"Little bro, you don't date much." I didn't respond to her. "Don't men relax when they get laid?"

This is why I can't have a straight conversation with her. She's worse than Jeremy with her sex talk. I don't mind talking about sex; I prefer not to talk about it with her. I prefer it if she wouldn't make sex sound filthy.

"You're so uptight; you gotta find a hot young girl and relax. You..."

"Please stop," I begged.

Talking about sex with Jeremy is different than talking about it with my older sister. I can't fathom why she would think I would want to have this conversation with her.

"What are you doing for sexual release?" Jazmine asked. "I'm sure the hand thing gets old after a while."

My sister is unaware of my sexual relations, so she wouldn't know that I have them. However, I did not intend to discuss it with her or reveal that I have a hotel specifically for that purpose. I sensed that she wouldn't approve of my choices, and I didn't want to have that conversation with her. To divert her from the topic of sex, I needed to engage her in something that would interest her more.

I blurted out, "I met someone."

"What!" she shrieked.

"Look, it's nothing serious. At first, I couldn't stand her..."

"That's how a true love story always starts," Jazmine cut in.

"She thinks I'm married anyway. We just hang out as friends," I explained.

"Listen to me closely Wes. Tiffany was a bitch." She wasn't telling me anything I didn't already know. "Stop letting her control your life from the dead. You wear that wedding ring like it's a prize. Throw that shit in the river and never look back. I get it, Tiffany hurt you big time, but why are you still giving her the satisfaction? You base your whole life on what she did, and you will continue to be alone and miserable. She died three years ago. When was the last time you had a relationship or had sex."

I'm baffled by how she steered the conversation back to sex. Just because I haven't been in a relationship doesn't mean I am celibate. However, aside from that, my sister was correct. Wearing this ring hasn't brought me any solace; it only serves as a painful reminder of my past with Tiffany. As I briefly gazed at my wedding ring, I realized I'd kept it on as a cautionary symbol, a reminder of betrayal. Maybe I no longer need that reminder. Perhaps not every woman is like Tiffany; I was certain Gisele wasn't. With deliberation, I removed the ring, acknowledging Jazmine's wisdom. There's no positivity tied to this wedding band. Rolling down my window, I discarded the ring. My sister, witnessing the act, momentarily released the steering wheel and applauded enthusiastically."

"So, about this woman..."

"Her name is Gisele," I cut in.

"Cute name. Have you asked her out?"

"Jaz, I wouldn't know where to start or if she's interested," I informed her.

I have refrained from dating and making genuine connections with women since before I married Tiffany. There were a few occasions when Jeremy attempted to set me up, but I didn't have to pursue them. However, Gisele stood out. I desired intimacy with her, yet I didn't want that to define our relationship's course. I didn't want our interactions to be confined to hotel encounters.

"Show her some type of affection first. Let her know you're interested without actually using words," Jazmine explained.

Her advice sounded good. I've been out of the dating world for years. How was I going to show my interest without using words? That sounded like an impossible magic trick.

When I didn't respond, she added, "You know how dad used to just kiss mom on the forehead as a sign of endearment," I nodded. "Try something like that."

It was simple and didn't require too much talking. I just hope she receives it as a sign of endearment.    

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