one: purple

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It started out as any other day.

Eight o'clock on a calm, autumn morning, Taehyung sitting at the kitchen table of his apartment minutes before he was to leave. His college was about a fifteen minute drive from the apartment complex, and the twenty-year-old music major always set it in his mind he had to be out of the building by 8:15 so that he could be comfortably early to his 9:00 class.

He stared down at his now empty coffee cup and sighed, running a lazy hand through his hair. "I'm bored," he thought aloud. His eyes drifted over to the door. Nothing was stopping him from leaving. And, realizing he had no point in staying, he slipped on his coat and left his apartment.

"Morning, Taehyung!"

The cheerful voice of one of his neighbors greeted him suddenly. Someone close to his age, a friendly boy who Taehyung hardly ever interacted with for the sole reason that he was afraid to. So he simply forced a smile, gave a tiny wave, and ducked around the corner to get to his car before an actual conversation could ensue.

He had become quite skillful in avoiding such things, though it tore at his own soul to know this.

Fifteen minutes later, Taehyung was pulling up to the campus. He popped open the driver's side door and stepped out, then took a moment to breathe.

It could be a good day if he just remained calm.

It could be a good day if Kim Taehyung just chose his steps carefully.

"Hey, Taehyung!"

Again, another person he didn't know well trying to talk with him, but this person he was acquainted with even less than his neighbor. Still he gave the same reaction - forced smile, tiny wave.

He was used to it. Used to the greetings, the looks sent by the individuals attracted by his handsome face. He tried to dress casually to avoid attention but it never worked.

"Taehyung! Just the person I was looking for!"

At the sensation of someone slapping an abrupt hand on his shoulder, Taehyung nearly jumped out of his skin, firing an immediate look of dismay over at the boy responsible.

"Relax, man, it's just me."

Seokjin. A boy from among many whom he shared classes with, but this one he recognized because the two sat near to each other on most days. But again, they weren't close, and Taehyung didn't consider them friends. He didn't have friends. At least not here.

"Why were you looking for me?" Taehyung asked, almost afraid of what the answer might be.

Seokjin beamed. "The homework," he chimed. "You did it, right?"

"I did..."

"Awesome! I totally did, too! And that's why I'm not here to ask you to share."


"...pretty please?"

Rolling his eyes, Taehyung tried to shrug Seokjin off his shoulder, surprised to find it actually worked. But the boy still followed him.

"I'll treat you to lunch? Oh!" He snapped his fingers. "I know! How about you join my group and I tonight for karaoke? I'll buy you as much food as you want. And maybe I could even help you hook up with one of them, eh? Guy or girl, whichever way you swing, pal-"

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