thirty-two: names

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Of course, he acted calm over the phone with Taehyung. And he was calm. Now. But when it had happened Yoongi just about had a mental breakdown.

He had been in the kitchen, searching through the fridge for the iced coffee he had from earlier that day that he never finished. After coming across it and taking it from the fridge, Yoongi turned around and was met with the alarming sight of Jimin leaning slightly over the edge of the couch, fluids spilling from his mouth.

It wasn't much and lasted about two seconds but it came without warning and drained Yoongi's face entirely.

Fearful Jimin wasn't done, he grabbed the small trash can beside the kitchen counter and rushed it out to the boy on the couch, who shook his head as Yoongi held the can in front of him.

"I'm good." He spit in the can anyway. "I think that was the nausea finally making its escape."

"B-but, I-..." Yoongi heaved a breath of exasperation and glanced at the carpet. Blue - only a little bit, but it stood out and made him feel nauseous. He returned his gaze anxiously to the blond. "J-...Jimin, that's, that's, you threw up blood, oh my gosh, are you okay-?"

Jimin made a discomforted face at this and slowly pushed the trash can away. "I didn't throw up blood," he said. "I bit my tongue really bad a minute ago, that's what bled..."

To prove his claims, Jimin opened his mouth for a second and lifted his tongue, which Yoongi could now see truly had been bleeding. He winced. "That must have hurt." Sympathetic eyes met the other boy's. "You should have said something..."

"I was gonna, but then my stomach decided to..."

"I'll get you some water." Yoongi stood up, then glanced at the carpet again. "And clean this up."

"I'm sorry, Yoongi..."

"Which one of us got hit by a car again?"

Jimin paused. ""

"Which one of us got a sprained arm?"


"Which one of us has a broken rib?"

"...also me."

"Right. Conversation over."

Feeling proud of himself, Yoongi set the trash can on the floor and made his way back over to the kitchen to retrieve both water and cleaning supplies - the latter of which Taehyung didn't have much of in his apartment. Luckily, there was some sort of cleaning spray and some rags, which Yoongi grabbed and balanced under his arm while he retrieved a water bottle from the fridge.


Soon he held the bottle out to Jimin, who stared at Yoongi with an inscrutable expression before accepting it.

"Something wrong?"

"No," Jimin said under his breath. "You've changed and haven't changed at all."

At this, Yoongi laughed a little, kneeling down to clean the carpet. "Meaning?"

"You're still so sweet, and...beautiful, but you're not shy around me anymore."

"Oh, I still feel kinda shy," he said in a reassuring manner, meeting Jimin's eyes for a second. "You can't blame me. Suddenly finding out someone like you was my boyfriend? I mean, c'mon."

Jimin made a face at the comment. "What's that supposed to mean?"

Noticing the genuine, innocent look of confusion on Jimin's face, Yoongi sat back on his heels, tilted his head to one side and raised his eyebrows at the blond. "Jimin." He paused as if for dramatic effect. "Honestly. You got hit by a car, you just threw up on Tae's carpet, and you're still gorgeous. Way out of my league." He laughed again, spraying a bit of the cleaning liquid on the rag he had brought over before sweeping it across the stain on the floor. Regrettably, Yoongi had taken a few babysitting jobs in high school despite it not being ideal, and cleaning up after children was something he had done more than a few times. So to him, this was just another one of those jobs.

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