twenty-five: promise

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Silently Yoongi followed in the nurse's footsteps till they arrived at the room where Jimin was staying. With permission, he entered the room while keeping in mind that it would be best to stay as quiet as possible. Jimin probably had a splitting headache after the accident.

Lowering himself to the foldable chair beside the boy's bed, Yoongi peered at Jimin's face - honestly, in better condition than Jungkook's. Most of Jimin's injuries were from the shoulder on down. His face fortunately hadn't taken much of a beating.

"You conscious?"

He had some doubts the boy would be up for talking even if he were conscious. So Yoongi was a bit surprised when Jimin replied almost immediately.

"Did Taetae get hurt?"

"Taetae did not get hurt," Yoongi said, mimicking the nickname. "I sent him back to the apartment with Jungkook. If Tae stayed any longer he'd probably have puked or passed out from stress."


" feelin' nauseous at all?"


"Does it hurt to talk? I'll stop asking so many questions if it does."

"It's fine," Jimin insisted. His voice was soft, delicate, but not too strained. "It doesn't hurt."

"Nurse said you fractured a rib." Yoongi gestured then at the cast on the blond's left arm. "And a sprain. Considering you got hit by a car, could be a lot worse, ya know? You could've died."

Jimin didn't respond this time. Not a word, not a grunt, not even a sigh. Instead, Yoongi found the boy staring at him with inscrutable eyes.

"...something on my face?"

He meant it as a joke, not expecting Jimin to begin staring even more intently at him. He started second-guessing.

"Wait, is there actually something? I didn't eat breakfast, it can't be food. A bug? I hope not. I hate insects, they make me uncomfortable. Well, except butterflies and...what're they called again..."

"Lightning bugs."

"Yeah, lightning bugs. For some reason I'm okay with-..."

He rested an uncertain gaze on Jimin.


The room fell silent again - silent, of course, save the murmur of voices and noises outside Jimin's hospital room.

"Funny, that's kind of a random piece of information for you to know," Yoongi said, forcing a somewhat uneasy smile. "Are you the same way?"

"No," Jimin answered tenderly, "but I don't forget things easy."

"What does that have to do with anything?"

"You don't remember much of your childhood, do you?"

"Not really," he said skeptically. "That's not an odd thing. People lose a lot of memories from when they were younger once they grow up. Certain things stick with you, but not everything."

"But your middle and high school years."

"I remember senior year quite clearly."

"That's it, isn't it?"

He felt he was being accused, but rightfully so, which only made Yoongi all the more unsettled. He shifted his position in the foldable chair, unable to feel comfort anymore.

"Jimin, if you say another word I'm probably going to get a headache." Though his tone was reprimanding, his thoughts contradicted his words. "There's no way you should know these things, there's no way you should have those photos, it doesn't make sense. I've never met you..."

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