seventeen: liar

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Waking up in his bed rather than on the couch was certainly an odd thing to Taehyung, and for a moment he had to seriously think about why he might have ended up here. He didn't sleep walk. He knew that much.

His sleepy, half-lidded eyes scanned the room lazily. Within seconds they fell on a suitcase that wasn't his.

Then he remembered.

It hung on his chest like a weighty anvil, but somehow Taehyung found the strength to push it aside and get to his feet. If he didn't dwell on it, it didn't happen. Simple.

Scratching his stomach as he opened the door, Taehyung stepped out of his room, and immediately afterwards hunger struck him and urged his feet to head towards the fridge.

It was still early. He figured Jungkook was asleep - rather, hoped Jungkook was asleep, and that, perhaps, if Lady Luck smiled upon him, the other boy would forget about what happened. Then again Tae was aware just how bad luck he had when it came to pretty everything, so it was unlikely.

"If you're going to make breakfast now, I can help."

The unannounced voice was enough to make Tae nearly jump out of his skin. The fact that it had come from no more than three feet behind him didn't help, either.

"Jungkook, what on earth is wrong with you??" Taehyung hissed, frowning intensely at the boy who appeared innocently puzzled by the other's reaction. "Don't sneak up on me like that, honestly..."


"Yeah, you should be. It's too early to be giving me heart attacks. Not that there's ever a time for that."


Taehyung was able to brush it off after but a moment and return to his task of getting together the few things he needed for breakfast. Jungkook, on the other hand, couldn't brush aside his thoughts - rather, his questions. Questions as to why Taehyung seemed normal now, not having brought up a certain happening that took place less than twelve hours ago.

Maybe he would soon. That in mind, Jungkook volunteered to make pancakes as Taehyung pulled some fruit out of the fridge.

Throughout the process, though be it a somewhat short one, few words were spoken as the two went about preparing their morning meal. Again, Taehyung seemed normal. Jungkook glanced at him frequently, waiting for the moment the boy would bring up the subject he, himself, couldn't bear to ignore.

Surely he couldn't have forgotten.

Before long the few preparations were done, and Taehyung and Jungkook both took their seats at the small kitchen table and began to eat.

Jungkook considered perhaps now the other would speak.

But five, ten minutes slipped by without a word. So Jungkook took the initiative.

"Are we going to talk?"

"Hm?" Taehyung didn't bother to lift his gaze from his food. "Doesn't matter to me, I'm used to eating in silence-"

"About last night, Tae."

The sobriety of that tone. As if demanding attention. Taehyung couldn't have ignored it if he wanted to and soon felt his cheeks rising in warmth as the memory replayed itself in his mind. The sheer level of embarrassment he experienced in that moment, recalling it vividly. In a panic, the boy blurted out a response.



He could feel his heart hammering wildly against his chest. Internally, he begged for Jungkook to drop the subject but it appeared his silent plea wasn't heard.

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