twenty: mend

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Taehyung had called Yoongi minutes before pulling up to his apartment, essentially shouting into the phone that he needed help - those weren't the exact words he used, not in the slightest, but Yoongi gathered the message from his friend's hopeless cries.

He was outside waiting anxiously till the moment he saw his friend's car pull up. Next thing he knew, Yoongi watched as Tae hastily exited the driver's side, then opened the back door out of which he began to lift an unconscious Jungkook. At least he looked unconscious. Either way the pitiful state of the boy caused Yoongi's stomach to churn uneasily.

"Tae, Taehyung, what the hell??"

"Help me get him inside, Yoongi, please!"

Again, that panic in his voice. Yoongi ran over to him. "Tae, we should get him to a hospital, he's-"

"No!" An immediate cry of disapproval. "No, we're already here, just help me get him inside-"

"Taehyung, he's clearly been assaulted, he needs medical help!"

"We can help him! I don't need anyone else's help!!"

The raw emotion in those words reverberated like a bell in Yoongi's ears. He knew Taehyung well. He knew this wasn't just about him hating hospitals.

"This is my responsibility, I'm to blame for this happening, I won't let a stranger fix my mistake."

His voice trembled all the while as he stared at his friend in desperation. Yoongi couldn't turn him down. He was weak to those eyes of Taehyung's, those innocent eyes he had seen shed tears far too many times than he could count.

"Fine, but we need to hurry."

In case of running the risk that someone should see them, Yoongi pulled the hood of Jungkook's sweatshirt over the boy's head to at least somewhat shield his face. Then with great effort he and Taehyung labored in carrying Jungkook all the way to Tae's apartment, preparing to act as though this was nothing more than two guys assisting their drunk friend back home. Luckily no one happened to poke their heads out of their apartments so they didn't need to put on their acting skills after all.

They made it safely to Tae's place and lowered Jungkook on the couch while taking as much care as possible. Once he was out of their arms, Taehyung's panic switch flipped again, and he could hardly function whereas Yoongi had already raced to the kitchen to find something to wipe away the blood.

"Tae!" He called out suddenly. "Do you have bandages or anything around here? A first-aid kit? Anything??"

"Under the sink," Taehyung blurted.

He was only half-listening. The other half of his focus was on Jungkook's resting face, the ugly bruises, the sight of which made Taehyung's eyes begin to well with tears again.

"My fault, this is all my fault..."

"Tae, just relax," Yoongi said calmly once he had returned to the living room. He knelt down in front of the couch next to Taehyung. His uneasy gaze settled on Jungkook's heavily marked complexion. "Mostly bruises," he said in a soft voice, somewhat in relief. "He should be fine, bruises aren't difficult to treat, is that the only thing wrong with him?"

Taehyung didn't respond. His mind had been trapped in a loop of repeating the same words, over and over.


More firmly this time. Tae snapped into focus. "What, what is it??"

"Is it just bruises on his face?" Yoongi asked with urgency. "Do you know if he has a sprain or cuts anywhere? He wasn't stabbed, was he??"

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