three: pretty

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He was well enough physically.

But on other levels, Taehyung didn't feel near stable enough to leave his apartment. Not for a few days.

Three days, in fact. Three days of missing classes, and calling out of work by convincing his boss he was sick. It didn't take a lot of effort, honestly, and his boss was more concerned and sad than he was disappointed.

The only lucky break. His part-time job performing at that café was his only lucky break.

But he didn't feel up to it. Not now, after his secret had been revealed to a small group of people, who he knew would spread their discovery to other ears.

Just like what happened in high school.

It was around twelve p.m. now, and Taehyung had himself bundled up in a coat of blankets, sitting in front of the tv screen, starving from having skipped meals for the past twenty-four hours at least.

SpongeBob Squarepants reruns were all he had to get him through right now. Until he could find the will to leave his apartment again.

Pulling his blankets closer to his chest, Taehyung suddenly heard his phone buzz several times from notifications. If he hadn't set the device on the coffee table where he could see who had texted him, he probably wouldn't have bothered to pick it up.

But it was Yoongi. And Taehyung couldn't live with the guilt of ignoring his only friend.

His hand emerged from the blanket coat and latched onto the phone, slowly drawing it in towards himself like a rod with a fish.

You have 4 messages from Yoongles 💕

hey tae hows it going?

u haven't texted me in a couple days...

don't make me worry about u, tiger, i have a job i need to manage

how's my best friend on this horrible planet doing?

He could already feel himself on the verge of sniffling. "I miss you, Yoongi..." Taehyung whispered in a broken tone. "Why couldn't you come to Busan with me?"

Truthfully, he didn't wish that upon Yoongi. Although he would have absolutely loved to go to college with his best and only friend, to have Yoongi, his guardian angel, with him at every turn, to comfort him when hell sunk deeper, he knew that Yoongi had always wanted to become a part of the official cooking staff at his family's restaurant.

Rightfully so. The man had a talent in the kitchen.

Which reminded Taehyung of his food deficiency at the moment. Yoongi would kill me for this.

Fighting back tears, he urged himself to reply to the messages.

i'm not good yoongi

but please don't worry, i know you're a busy man ;-;

i could never be too busy for u tiger

what's wrong? bad day? not feeling well?

i don't wanna say, yoongi...

well i won't force u...

whatever it is, take it easy okay?

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