thirty-one: friend

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This time around, Yoongi didn't have to convince Taehyung to leave the house. The boy did so willingly, still suffering the aftertaste of that agonizing guilt he was struck with from talking to Jimin. But he couldn't blame Jimin. Nor could he apologize - he already had, and Jimin had already insisted there was nothing to apologize for, anyway. Needless to say this only made Taehyung feel worse about the situation.

He didn't want to bother Jimin. Maybe he could sort things out later, apologize more properly, say how he truly felt rather than remaining silent as though he agreed with the cruel things Jimin had to say about himself. But for now, Taehyung just wanted him to rest. Getting hit by a car was enough. He had been through enough.

With Jungkook's gentle encouragement as usual, Taehyung went to class the next morning, quiet and still a bit upset from last night, but he managed. Holding Jungkook's hand really did make a difference.

They entered the classroom about twenty minutes before the class started, choosing their usual seats and sitting.

About five minutes passed and Seokjin entered the classroom, also choosing his usual seat. Right beside Taehyung, who tensed noticeably.

"Ya look down, Tae," Seokjin commented, scanning his seatmate's expression. "You okay?"

Taehyung didn't say anything. He gave a brief nod, throwing uncertain glances at Seokjin, who mimicked the action curiously before leaning back and releasing a puff of air. His pleasant disposition dissipated.

"It's about yesterday, isn't it?"

This question earned him a vague glance from Jungkook which in a way acted as confirmation.

Seokjin sighed again. "I swear I'm not lying to you, Tae," he said in a soft, somewhat sympathetic voice. "I...I don't have any loyalty to my dad, I don't owe him any favors, and I mean I know I'm a college student with an average-paying part-time job but I'm not desperate enough for money that I'd do something extreme, you know? Besides, we're friends, aren't we, Tae?"

The obvious hesitation that followed the question made Seokjin's expression sink. A frown took form upon his lips and he turned to face forward.

"We...are..." Taehyung said in late reply. Jin faced him immediately.


Just like that, his smile had returned in full, and he even had the nerve to laugh at Taehyung's displeased reaction. Jungkook even cracked a smile - though of course he hid it when Taehyung turned to him.

"C'mon, lighten up, Tae." Still chuckling, Seokjin put his arm around the boy's shoulders. "Don't like it when my friends are being Negative Nancy's."

Taehyung furrowed his brow at this. "Negative...who?"

"Say, tomorrow's Saturday, we should do something."

"What about your boyfriend?" Tae muttered. Jin clicked his tongue against his teeth and waved his hand dismissively.

"Joonie works tomorrow," he said. "Besides, even if he didn't work, friends are just as important as boyfriends. So, you wanna do something?"

Jungkook leaned forward with beady eyes so that there was no possible way Seokjin could ignore him.

"-yes, and you, too, of course, Kook." His laugh sounded almost nervous now. "I wouldn't dream of leaving you out after you practically threatened me yesterday."

Taehyung shifted his gaze over to his boyfriend. "You threatened him?"

"Not threatened, per say," Seokjin said, "maybe more like a sternly worded warning. Which is completely understandable. If I were in your place I'd think I was suspicious, too. But really, I'm just a party animal who wants to play mini-golf with some cool dudes." He gave both Taehyung's and Jungkook's shoulders a bump with his fist. "So what do ya say, fellas? Churros and mini-golf tomorrow? I've got coupoooonnnsss."

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