seven: suspect

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It made his heart stop. His hands tensed, mind desperately trying to cling to rationality and convince him this person couldn't be trusted, that this was no more than a stupid prank to make him seem vulnerable. But deep down, Taehyung's instincts urged him to believe. And that never happened. Perhaps it came from the overwhelming desire not to be alone, along with knowing that no one at his college had his number besides Jungkook, and he knew that Jungkook would never dare give his number to one of them.

At least, he believed this. He could interrogate the boy later if he had to.

Trust no one, his inner voice whispered to him.

But I don't wanna be alone, another voice whispered even louder.

if you want me to believe you, show me a picture of your face

i don't build trust that easy, "blue"

Unknown Number
Haha! Naturally! I understand completely.

Unknown Number
So I shall do just that!

Unknown Number
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Unknown Number[Attachment: 1 image]

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where on earth are you??

Unknown Number
Hey! Now if you won't tell me where you are, then why should I give you my location?

I suppose that's fair

Unknown Number
Indeed it is.

Unknown Number
So how are you doing, Kim Taehyung?

i'm tired

Unknown Number
I see. Well, then, I bid you good night. We shall have to talk again soon, Kim Taehyung.

yeah...we'll see...

Save this contact as "Blue"?
Yes No

Blue saved your contact as "Purple"

His heart still beating fast, Taehyung set his phone aside again and sprawled out on the couch. If he fell asleep here, so be it. He hardly slept in his bed these days.

Although, even with how tired he felt, Taehyung doubted he would be able to fall asleep for a while.


He stared at the ceiling, his chest uneasy.

Could there actually be someone out there like that?

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