eleven: familiar

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At a quarter of eight the next morning, Taehyung awoke to his alarm, immediately noticing a difference in his physical strength. The majority of the fatigue from his dizzy spell and headache was gone, and he could stand on his own two feet without wobbling like a newborn deer.

Taehyung took a moment to stretch before checking his phone.

You have (1) new message from Blue

Good morning, Kim Taehyung!

Why does he keep using my full name...

please just call me taehyung

you sound like a robot or something i swear

Haha! Should I speak less formally with you? I'm sorry, it has become a habit, I suppose.

right, well please stop

using lowercase is informal, right?

should i ditch the punctuation as well

okay forget it you're trying too hard i'm not teaching you how to text informally...

how are you this morning, taehyung?

better than yesterday

great news :)


i have class this morning so bye

okay! have a good day taehyung

Letting out a sleepy sigh, Taehyung tossed his phone aside and decided it would be best to get ready for the day. He walked to his room and changed into a pair of jeans and a plain shirt, then prepared himself a quick breakfast before leaving the apartment.

He wasn't really in the mood for classes right now. Looking back, Taehyung wished he had thought to sign up for an online course, but at the same time for the course he was majoring, in-person teaching and learning showed better results.

Twenty minutes later and Taehyung was parking his car, soon to moderately speed-walk into class as he had been doing a lot lately. No one had anything good to say to him and he knew that, so there was no reason to stop to even fake a hello.

No one, of course, except Jungkook, and oddly enough, Seokjin.

"Hey, Tae, how's it going, man?"

Sliding into the seat next to the boy, Seokjin greeted Taehyung in a soft voice to avoid startling him. Once tentative eye contact was made he smiled through pursed lips.

"I can't tell if you're looking better or worse," Seokjin joked. His laugh was nervous, as though afraid to upset the other. "Won't you talk to me anymore?"

Taehyung twiddled his thumbs. Honestly, it wasn't that he wanted to ignore Seokjin, rather that he didn't quite know what to say.

"I promise I won't ask for your homework anymore. So can I get a good morning or something?"

He sounded genuine. At least enough that Taehyung didn't feel the need to roll his eyes or shrink even more into his shell. Biting his inner lip, he uttered in a quiet voice, "Morning."

This earned a genuine smile from Seokjin. "There we go!" He said cheerfully. "You feelin' alright?"

"I guess..."

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