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hey guys!!! i hope u are all liking this so far and if u have nay suggestions let me know and i really will try to implement them into the story however i can :D this chapter is dedicated to Hanna because she is going through a very hard time in her life right now im hoping it will put a little smile on her face to brighten her day :D


Zaras POV:

i was running down the dark street as if the devil himself was chasing me. and It felt like he really was! the stars in the sky offered no comfort to the searing fear in my gut.

he was getting closer.

i had to get away from him. i cant let him catch me!!

i quickly ducked into a slim alley and crouched down behind a dumpster. i pushed my fist into my mouth and attempted to muffle my breathing.

i didnt work.

i heard slow heavy footsteps at the mouth of the alley. he knew i was in here somewhere...

the steps came closer and closer....

"i know youur here sweet thang....where are ya?" the low voice sneered to me

a whimper escaped my lips and i knew i was done for

the steps started to come straight for meee!

"AHHHHH!!!!" i screamed as i sat up in bed

the room was completely black and i couldnt tell where i was or who else was in here with me. i grabbed the pillow behind me and clutched it to my chest and trembled and gasped fro breath.

all of a sudden the door swings open "AHH!" i cried out again and i jumped ot of bed and ran to a corner dimly lit by the light from the door and i curled into a ball and pleaded "please...just please dont hurt me again!!"

"Zara, relax its just us!" i heard a deep voice from the doorway

"wait...Andy?" i asked the voice shocked

"yea, CCs here too" he said and the light flipped on and pretty much blinded me

i threw my hand up over my eyes until they adjusted. once they did i lowered my hand and looked up to see Andy and CC still standing in the doorway.

then it all came back to me and i started crying again

CC slowly walked toward me and lowered himself to the ground next to me. he wrapped his long arms around me and pulled me to him. he rocked me back and forth and he shhd me.

i felt another pair of arms around me and i jumped then i figured out it was Andy. he started to softly sing to me until i calmed down enough for tears to stop. then the shivering came, both from cold and fear.

Andy pulled me from CCs arms and onto his lap. he wrapped his arms around me and i curled into his warmth. CC scooted closer and simply held my hand to offer comfort.

"what happened Zara?" CC asked softly

"...nightmare" i whispered to them

they both nodded in understanding

"do you wanna tell us about it?" Andy said softly in my ear

i shook my head fast and curled myself tighter

"Zara" CC warned "we cant help you if we dont know what happened"

i nodded slowly "i-i-i was running down the street, i f-f-felt someone chasing me so i ducked into an ally but he followed me there. he heard me gasping and he was about to r-r-round the corner of the dumpster when i woke up" i finished as a lone tear streamed down my cheek again

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