Shouldnt It Be Up To Me?

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hey guys!! thank you so much for all the positive feedback ive been getting for this story :D i really hope you all are liking whre im taking this story and if you're sorry lol i like it :P


Ash's POV:

i kissed her...and i liked it. just the thought of it brought a smile ot my face as i helped her learn how to use the machines.  she wasnt a weakling but she needed to be stronger.

getting stronger and learning how to fight would seriously help her in the long run. it would make her feel less helpless and if she ever is attacked again she will be able to fight back.

but until she does learn a can of pepper spray will have to work. i told myself as i decided that it was time to tell the guys that she was awake. they had been calling me almost nonstop to see if she was awake

"before we left the tour bus the guys made me promise to call them when you woke up..." i told her as i watched her lift weights. she was doing a pretty good job

"they know?" she asked startled

"yeah, i went back to the bus after you fell asleep to tell them i was taking you back here but they wouldnt let me go until i told them where you were and where we had been. so yeah they know" i explained

"do they hate me?" she asked in a small voice

"of course not Zaraa. why would they hate you?" i asked confused

"cus i was weak again...." she answered

"you're not weak Zara! you're a survivor! we've been through this havn't we?" i said to her sternly

"yeah i just cant get the thoughts out of my head of what he did to me. its like it on a loop and no matter what i do it wont go away Ash" she told me

"please tell me you were not thinking of that popy face while you were kissing me? that will seriously bruise my rep!" i pleaded with a smile

a smile broke over her face as well and she replied by saying "no i wasnt Ash!"

"then maybe we should kiss again. get those nasty thoughts from your head and replace them with good nasty thoughts"  i said as i stalked towards her slowly

she backed away from me and backed herself against a corner. i put my hands on her hips and pulled her close to my slowly and gently giving her plenty of time to pull away if she wanted to. but she didnt.

she let me pull her closer and closer until there was no space between us. i wanted to kiss her again, but it wasn't fair to her for me to be doing this...i need to stop. so i simply kissed her fore head gently and released her to go back to my machine and lift again.

she turned to me to stare at me but i refused to look at her. i concentrated on looking out the window, anything but her honestly.

"why did you kiss me? i know you wanted to..." she asked with a little scrunch between her eyes that meant she was very confused

i stopped lifting, rested my elbows on my knees and let out a long sigh to clear my head before answering.

"because its not fair for me to do anything with you right now Zara. you're very emotionally and physically damaged right now. i want nothing more than to erase that jerks touch with my own on your skin. but its just not fair to you Zara" i finished

"shouldn't it be up to me whether its fair to me?" she asked

i didn't know what to say to that...i wasn't expecting her to pop that out as fast as she did...

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