T w e l v e

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[Songs for the Chapter]

[Alex Hepburn-Under]

[Evanescence-Bring Me To Life]


Were they heading my way? Well, if by chance they weren't, they sure would if I sped out of her in a car without a window. I slumped down in my seat, watching as the three police cars sped after a white Mazda speeding west. I sighed in relief and sat up, starting the car. I pulled out and drove down the street.

I stopped in an alley way a few blocks down and opened the middle console, taking out the brown bag. I also took out two twenty pound notes. I got out, slamming the car door, and headed down the alley. I saw three short men standing by the back door of a liquor store. They noticed me and turned to face me as I approached them.

"Three hundred." I said emotionless, handing the middle one the bag.

He looked inside the bag, looking pleased. The one to his right had scruffy blonde hair, brown dilated eyes, I watched as he pushed his sleeve up to scratch his arm. His baggy blue jeans held low on his waist, underwear covered by the long grey hoodie.

The one on the left was taller, just a few inches shorter than me. He had hair black as night, sweeping over one eye. His cheeks were quite pale, covered in freckles. He had a black sweatshirt on, black baggy jeans.

The one in the middle had the same colour hair, dark black. He had a white sweatshirt on, a picture of Marylin Munroe smoking on the front. His jeans were black as his blue eyes flickered up to mine.

"Three hundred for this? It was only one-fifty last time." he spoke confidently, not afraid of my appearance compared to him.

"Yes, pay up."

"What if we don't?" he asked, a smirk as he started to back away.

In an instant, my gun was snatched from the back waistband and aimed directly at his head. Fear struck his face, but he pulled out a few notes from his pocket. I snatched them, there were only two hundred.

"It's not enough." I said, pressing gently on the trigger.

Poor kid, he didn't even know that the safety was on. He clasped his hands together, looking up at me dough-eyed.

"Please, that's all I have!" he begged, thinking this was his moment of breathing.

I bit the inside of my cheek, contemplating what to do. He was just a kid. I shoved my gun in my waistband and pushed the kid down by his shoulders. He stumbled to the ground as his friends ran off in different directions. I stood over the kid, who had his arms blocking his face.

"Next time, don't mouth off to a dealer, smart-ass." I spat, walking back to my car.


I didn't want to return to my apartment, in case they were still there, waiting to blame me for everything wrong with my life. So, I ended up driving around for a while. I had sold the last of whatever I had to that kid, so I had the next week off, free to do whatever I wanted. I wanted to call Drew, I wanted to see her, but the harsh words said to me by my friends kept echoing through my mind.

Are you really that selfish?

You're bringing another innocent person into all of this.

She's too innocent.

She doesn't need to get hurt Harry.

Was it true? Had I brought her into something that would hurt her? Am I going to be the reason she breaks? I didn't want to believe it, but I feared the truth. It has happened before, I brought my mum into it, and she ended up getting burned. I brought Gemma into it, which just pushed her farther than Des had.

It's true, when Drew is broken, it's going to me doing. I'm pulling her under, I'm sending her under. But I didn't want to imagine my life without her. She's what keeps me calm, grounded. She is my peace. I am selfish, I don't want to let her go. But if I don't, she'll get burned too.

I jumped when my phone rung, I grabbed it, keeping my eyes on the road. "Hello?"

"Hi Harry." I smiled at that small, soft voice.

"Drew, hi."

"Wanna come over? I haven't seen you in a week." she asked.

"Yeah, be there in a minute."

I hung up and sped up, turning onto the nearest street. I bit my lip, looking at the street signs for hers. After a few minutes of looking, I turned onto the correct street and pulled up in front of her street. I stepped out, sighing as I walked up the steps. I rung the doorbell and sat on the fencing on the patio. I balanced myself and stared to the right. I heard the door open and I snapped my head in the direction.

"Hi." she said shyly, taking her lip between her teeth.

Her hair was damp, pulled over one of her shoulder, like the day I met her. The rim of her lower eyelids were lined black, her long eyelashes curled back. The natural pink shade of her cheeks were extra vibrant, exaggerating her light brown eyes.

One of the tight straps of her black tank top fell down her shoulder, revealing the white bra strap. She had dark blue denim shorts on, stopping just a few inches down. My eyes scanned down her legs, long and a moderate light tan, still whiter compared to my skin tone.

I grabbed the railing of the fence to hold myself as I felt my body tilt backwards. I hopped off the fencing and walked towards her, taking her waist in my large hands. I pulled her closer to me, feeling her hands on my chest.

"You look nice." I whispered into her ear, trying hard to keep my grip moderate.

"Thank you. Come on inside." she excused herself from my body, ushering me in.

I walked in and heard her close the door. I turned and watched her, she was biting her lip again. The silence was awkward. I walked over to her, practically pinning her against the door with my body. I placed my hands on the door behind her, leaning in to graze my lips along hers.

"If it's going to be so quiet in here, there has to be a good reason why." I smirked, pressing our lips together.

I restrained myself from using my hands to violate every part of her body. I just kept moving my lips against hers forcefully, feeling her hands snake round my waist. Her fingers inched past the side of my belt, rising my shirt up. I broke away from the kiss to yank the shirt over my head.

This was moving fast, I wanted to stick to what I had told her about regretting losing her first time to me, but it was too hard to pull away. My hand pulled the bottom of her shirt up, pressing my thumbs to her hipbone. Her finger passed my belt and touched as far back as she could. I was so lost in my own thoughts that I forgot my gun was pushed between my pants back there.

I pulled back and she looked up at me, a look in hers eyes so fearful. She pulled her hand back slowly, the gun held in her hand loosely. She looked up at me, shaking with horror. I took the gun, pushing it back in my waistband.

"Y-you have a gun?" she asked, her voice cracking.

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