Chapter 2 - Satan Of Cafe

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At the cafeteria lolololol

"So, Vlio, you got any other friends?" Lumin asked,

"Uhm yeah there is this one person," Vliocity looked at a mouse with a cockatiel pattern, "Hey Besho! Come over here and sit with us!" 

The mouse turned around, his name was Beshosssaj, "Oh hey Vlio, whose this?"

"This is Lumin, he's my new friend! Sit with us."

Besho took a seat next to Vlio, "Hi I'm Besho! Nice to meet you, Lumin!"

"Y-you too, B-besho.." Lumin stuttered, (He isn't very good at public speaking lololol)

Besho smiled, just then someone walked in, "Oh no... It's Satan..."


"Satan, atleast that's what she calls herself, her name is really Zero_Two."

Lumin perked his ears up and slowly turned his head to the fluffy mouse as she walked over to a table with Iconik and Oacruz arguing, again, except with another mouse called Stampyloves... "Would you three shut up for once?" She said, looking down on the mice, as they gulped in fear. "Thank you." She continued politely as they followed her command. It was only the first day and people seemed to have known eachother already, and yet, Lumin only knew two people...

Zero looked behind to see Lumin, Vlio and Besho observing, "Oh, who are you guys?" she asked with an intimidating look, she really didn't know how scary she was as she looked at them with a devilish smile, waving. 

"I-I'm Lumin.." Lumin replied, follow by Vlio and Besho both saying their names too. Zero clapped her hands together, 

"I'm Zero_Two but you can call me Zero!" she cheerfully grinned. "Would you guys like to be friends? Everyone else in here seems so annoying..." She turned back to the table with Oacruz, Iconik and Stampy as they were arguing again. 

"Sure!" Vlio smiled, "A new friend!!"

Lumin was confused, Zero seemed so scary but so nice... He was conflicted, but either way he still accepted the offer of a new friend.

End chapter 2

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