January 13th 1997

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You were once again in your favorite bookshop, looking for the next book to read. It was this dusty, cozy, vanilla-smelling shop almost in the middle of London. You had been going here for as long as you could remember. That feeling of running your fingers across a bookshelf, knowing exactly what you're looking for, was just what you needed. As always.
And there it was. The book you had been looking for. It had just been published, and you had heard all about it. Now, you just couldn't wait to let your eyes slide over each page and take in the story.

You were toying with the book as you made your way to the checkout. "Did you find what you were looking for my dear?"
You placed the book on the counter.
"Of course Mrs. Huttey," You smiled at the nice greyhaired woman behind the desk. "As always!"
"Well that's good my dear. That'll be 15 pounds."
You handed her the money.
"I hope you'll like it." Mrs Huttey gave you a genuine smile as she put the book in a bag for you. "I know I will." You took the bag and made your way towards the exit. "Bye Mrs. Huttey, see you next week." You said as you exited the store leaving the tiny bell to ring, announcing your departure.

Once outside, you quickly took the book out of the bag. It looked way too exiting. You just couldn't wait till you got home to read it.

Once upon a time there was a wonderful land called Athiopea.
It was where everyo-

Suddenly, you had run into someone, and you found yourself on the snowy ground with the book lying beside you.
"Well hello there!" The person chuckled. "Didn't have to fall so hard for me." A warmhearted laughter erupted from the man.
You looked up, completely forgetting about the book.
The laughter belonged to a tall, redheaded man. His eyes were brown, and you felt yourself sink into an awkward yet comfortable eyecontact. You just couldn't stop staring apparently...
"Need help getting up?" You finally managed to break away, as he sent you a compassionate smile asking the question. It was now you realised that you were still sitting on the ground.
He reached out offering you his hand to hold on to, and you took it.
It was now that you noticed his clothes. He was wearing a striped suit with an orange tie, and a small pin depicting a big 'W'.
"Thank you." You smiled. After all, you hadn't said anything to him since you met.

"I'm George. Weasley." He shook your hand.
"Y/n L/n." You mumbled. Books were really your only friends so, naturally, you were a bit shy.

"So... where does such a beauty come from? Diagon Alley?" George smirked.
You could immediately feel your cheeks turning a shade of crimson at the word beauty. "Where's.... uhm... where's Diagon Alley?"
The man suddenly seemed utterly interested in the sky above you. "Err... I meant Devon Avenue..." He sheepishly rubbed the back of his neck.
"Sounds nothing like that, but alright..."
"Oh shoot..." George looked at you apologetically. "I have to go."
"Well, bye then." You sighed. The man was already on his way. "Have an absolutely amazing day Y/n!" He exclaimed before disappearing behind a corner.

George's pov.
As I made my way towards Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes, I couldn't get Y/n out of my head. I simply had to tell Fred about her. She just seemed so... wonderful. Too bad I probably won't see her again. I frowned.

Once back at the shop, I rushed up to my twin who was currently restocking some of our lovepotions. 'How convenient' I sarcastically thought to myself. "Oi, George! Took you long enough." Fred commented pulling me out of my thoughts. "So, did you get that muggle book about magic tricks?"
I sighed. "Sorry mate, I completely forgot... Got all the other things though..."
Fred chuckled. "Where was your head at? The bookstore is literally right next to The Leaky Cauldron." I shrugged, trying to play it off cool.
"Unless..." Fred came closer. "You met someone. Didn't you?" I blushed. Fred erupted in a roaring laughter before putting his hand on my shoulder. "You did! How amazing! I didn't think a girl would ever fall for you, seeing as I obviously am the more attractive one."
I chuckled a bit. "It's not like that." I groaned, suddenly in a more serious demeanor.
"I probably won't see her again."

Miss you - George Weasley x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now