July 27th 1997

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During the last couple of months, they had filled you in on pretty much everything about the upcoming war. You knew more than George wanted you to know, and you could feel that he sometimes got a little tense when talking about it.
By now, you had met the last two parts of the golden trio too. Harry Potter, the boy who lived (yeah, by now you were also pretty open towards believeing what they told you about the wizarding world) and Hermione Granger, the brightest witch of her age, who you were pretty sure Ron had a huge crush on.
Anyway... you had even been named an honourary member of The Order and therefore, you knew all about their plan with the seven Harrys.

And right now, you were a mess. Molly was rushing around in The Burrow, worrying and fussing over every little thing. You were just sat in the sofa with Ginny, looking out the open door. You knew how dangerous this mission was and it didn't calm you down that you couldn't do anything if something happened. George had tried talking you out of staying at The Burrow, but you had insisted. Also, if the deatheaters found out about you and George, and you had stayed at home, your Mum wouldn't be safe.
"It's time!" Molly half yelled half whispered running towards the door. You and Ginny followed closely behind. Ron and Tonks were supposed to be the first ones home, and as the light from the portkey was seen, a wave of relief washed over you. But not for too long.
The three of you soon realised that it carried no passengers and that they had missed their portkey!
That was the moment you realised what fear was exactly. That crippling feeling in your stomach, eating you up from the inside and making you tremble, was only getting worse by the minute. You were starting to come up with excuses in your head, as to why they missed it.
Maybe they couldn't find it? That was probably it. Right?
You sighed. You knew that the next ones expected were Fred and Mr. Weasley.
You looked at Molly. Then at Ginny. You could see the worry in their eyes. Their brother and son hadn't come back and now they were waiting for two other family members.
The knot in your stomach tightened as you saw another light from a portkey. Also, carrying no passengers.

You laid a hand on Molly's shoulder trying to calm her down, to calm you down. But it didn't work. Your mind and thoughts were everywhere. What if they were dead? Had the deatheaters found them? Oh god... You sighed holding back tiny sniffles.

Suddenly you could see two figures walking towards the burrow. Harry and Hagrid. Molly and Ginny stormed out but you stayed put. The plan had succeded. But not really. The worry filled you again as you remembered who was next. George and Remus.
A tiny tear rolled from your eyes as you saw Ginny and Molly talking to Harry and Hagrid, helping them inside the burrow.
Harry came over to you.
"We were ambushed by deatheaters." He mumbled. You looked at him shortly, tears sliding down your cheeks. You weren't that good at hiding emotions, and right now it just all came flooding out. Frustration, fear, and sadness.

Another portkey lit up the sky, and you could see Remus supporting an unconsious George. Your heart shattered into a thousand pieces as you saw him. His ear gone, scarlet blood flowing down one side of his pale face.
You were frozen in shock.
Harry and Remus quickly laid him on the couch as Molly rushed towards him.
Suddenly you realised where you were. And as Remus questioned Harry about some kind of creature, you ran towards the couch and kneeled down beside your boyfriend.

Molly was muttering a few spells to clean up the blood and somewhat heal his ear. But deep down, you knew that his ear was gone forever, a theory soon to be proved true. You sobbed into George. Right now, the only proof you had of him being alive was the small rise and fall of his chest.
Molly was stroking his red hair, as you were finding his hand, intertwining your fingers.

The next ones to arrive were Kingsley and Hermione but you were too occupied with George to even spare them a single thought.
Ron and Tonks arrived too, almost at the same time as Bill and Fleur.
Lastly, Fred and Arthur arrived rushing into the burrow and ignoring any kind of questions about their identity. They were worried about George.
You could see that Arthur was completely devastated as to seeing his son like that.
Fred rushed to his side, next to you.

Miss you - George Weasley x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now