August 2nd 1997

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You woke up all alone on the couch. Not to forget, in an unfamiliar house... The scarring memories of yesterday were playing in your head on repeat. The screams, the panic, the shock.
Thank god George had been there to take you with him to this house.
"Morning." You turned around and sighed out relieved when you saw that it was Ginny who had interrupted your thoughts.
"Goodmorning..." You sighed, gesturing for her to sit down next to you.
"Did you hear anything about yesterday? Did anybody... " You swallowed hard before continuing. "Die?"
Ginny shook her head. "Mum said that everybody got away safely, and that nobody died... though some were hurt..." She looked down. You could obviously see that she was worried, so you decided to try to dig a little deeper. "Have you heard anything about the trio?"
Ginny shook her head, tears in her eyes. "I'm so worried for them! Hermione, was just gone all of a sudden and Ron with her. But...Harry tried to find me, and then he was gone too!"
You were now looking at a crying Ginny, something you had never seen before, and you didn't know what to do.
Except hug her.
So you did.

She was sniffling a bit, before she spoke. "If i ever get a chance at revenge-" She didn't finish her sentence, and you knew that it was only her worryness speaking. Yeah, she was a fierce girl but she surely wouldn't be that mad. Besides, there was nothing she could do...

09:30 AM
The whole family was sitting at a small, black dining table eating the breakfast that Molly and Fleur had prepared. You were sitting between Ginny and George, with George gently holding your hand under the table.
"So, err..." Bill mumbled. It was a bit awkward and tense after last night. "What's the plan now?"
Molly sighed. If only she knew. "I don't know Bill...
There's a war coming, and You-Know-Who could possibly know all of our next moves... I guess that right now, we'll just have to go home."
"But first in a few days, and with thorough consideration!" Arthur added. "You never know. Those prisonrats might've set up camp there! One can never be too careful."
Everybody agreed and you could feel George's hand squeeze yours under the table.
You looked up into his eyes, and smiled. It was one of those we'll-be-alright smiles.

Then, he let go of your hand and got up from the table, asking Fred to follow him. For a moment, you considered asking why they walked off, but you didn't bother as you didn't quite feel like you would be able to wrap your head around whatever it was.


George's pov.
I led Fred into an empty bedroom and closed the door. "What's wrong Georgie?" He asked trying to lighten the mood. "I need your opinion. I... don't know what to do..."
I sighed and took a deep breath immediately after. "To do with what?" Fred asked sitting down on the bed.


I plumped down on the bed next to my twin.
"What do you mean?"
Fred looked rather clueless.
"I mean that she's a muggle. In the middle of an upcoming wizarding war."
Fred put a hand on my shoulder. "Listen George, you need to do everything in your power to keep her safe. And trust me, I know you can do that. I'll even help you."
He smiled at me trying to comfort me. But judging from his answer, I think he was concerned too. "What exactly is that?" I asked with a hint of bitternes in my voice.
"I don't know... Just don't put her in dangerous situations."
I nodded. Suddenly I knew what to do. It would obviously break my heart but it was necessary.
If I died in that war, it would break hers...
So I made up my mind.
"Thanks for the help, Mate." I hugged my twin before we both headed down to the kitchen again.

Y/n's pov.

12:57 PM
You had just finished lunch, and were now sitting on the couch with George, cuddling.
You felt secure in his arms. As always.
He leaned down, sighed and kissed the top of your head, before going back to his thoughts. Somehow, he had seemed very strange today. Frowning and sighing, never really able to focus, just staring out the window. He was obviously deep in thought, worried about something.

Miss you - George Weasley x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now