August 1st 1997

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You woke up to Hermione 'accidentally' dropping a book on the floor, right next to your head. "Morning Y/n!" She giggled a bit. You yawned. "Molly wanted me to wake you up, we have a lot to do today." Bill and Fleur's wedding was today. You knew Molly had been stressing about that for a long time, and you clearly remembered Molly telling you what your tasks were.
"Number one, help Fleur with everything she could possibly need.
Number two, make sure the twins don't do anything stupid."
She REALLY emphasized the second one...
But hey, you were onehundred percent sure that your tasks couldn't be that hard. So you got up, much to Hermiones liking, and put on a beautiful f/c dress. It hugged your body in just the right places and the lenght of the dress was really flattering on you, considering that you loved to show of your legs and a knee-long dress was just the right choice to do so.
You brushed your h/c hair, and braided it down the side of your head.
Once you had gotten your cute matching flats, you were ready.

You stumbled down the stairs, and into the kitchen. You had about 10 minutes before you had to help Fleur, so damn right you would get some breakfast!

You were surprised as you saw Harry and Ginny making out, but not really since everyone had seen it coming. In fact, you now owed (cheesy as it seems) George a kiss, since you bet him wether they would get together before or after the wedding.

"Mornin'" George interrupted the couple, smirking. He was standing by a counter with a cup of coffee in one hand, and a toothbrush in his ear? You could see how embarrassed Ginny was, and suddenly you found yourself dragging George out of there.

"Don't make it awkward George!" You scolded him jokingly, as he smirked at you. "I do believe that you, the lovely Miss. Y/n, owe me a kiss?" You chuckled.
"Oh well..." You dramatically pretended to be utterly offended. "Guess I have to..."
George chuckled before pulling you closer to him. "I know you want to." He smirked at you before pressing his lips to yours.
The kiss was immediately returned by you, as you leaned into his touch with you hands raking through his hair.
His hands were travelling from your neck, to your waist and at last, they arrived at your butt. And you enjoyed it. It had been a long time since the two of you had had a proper make-out session!

You broke apart. GOD you hated breathing. You hated time right now too... Your ten minutes were almost over and you still hadn't gotten anything to eat. Too late now...
"I gotta go." You say, your lungs still screaming for air. "Need... to help Fleur."
George chuckled before pecking your cheek. "See you at the wedding then, love."
You blushed at his words, and to the loud thumping protests of your heart, you turned around and walked towards Ginnys room again. And just as you reached the stairs, you couldn't help but giggle as you heard George exclaim loudly,
"And by the way, you look gorgeous in that dress Y/n!"


You were sat on a bench in the tent outside the burrow. Watching the ceremony, with Fleur looking gorgeous in her white dress, Ginny as bridesmaid and Charlie, the best man. Right now, Bill was saying his vows, and everyone was listening in awe. Except the twins. They were constanly whispering small comments to you, snickering and giggling silently.
But what else could you really expect from them?

It was a beautiful ceremony.
"Did you know that we spent hours on getting those golden ballons just right?" Fred whispered. "Yeah, and they don't know it yet, but we tinkered a bit with them." George added.
Oh no... What did they do? Did they fill the ballons with dungbombs? You hoped not. They would be in for one heck of a beating from Molly if that was the case. You once again focused on the couple in front of you. They were now holding each other with one arm each, wrapped around the other's arm. A magical golden line, delicately twirling around them.

Miss you - George Weasley x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now