May 1st 1998

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George's pov.
20:43 PM

The burrow had received an urgent owl from Hogwarts. This was it. They were calling for help from The Order and other allies.
I wanted to rip the letter apart as I read it, but couldn't get myself to do it.
"George, Fred and Percy, you travel by broom!
Arthur and I will stay close to Bill and Fleur!" Mum was worried. And in her right mind! No one would know for sure wether we all would return from Hogwarts, but we were willing to fight!

I was trembling as I got on a broom, and kicked off. Flying through the sky next to my brothers. Thankfully, Percy had returned when he realised that the war was nearing... Still, it hadn't been the same joyful energy in our home for a long time.
I had lost my spark. Well that was what Fred said. And he was right. I had lost my spark. No longer wanting to prank I could barely keep up at the shop... Fred almost had to run it on his own. And believe me, I felt guilty. For everything.


21:24 PM

As we arrived, everything looked the same. Except, an army quickly nearing from the forest.

We landed in the courtyard, with Mum rushing towards us. She had travelled by floo powder. "Thank god you're here!" She wrapped us all in a quick embrace. "Ginny's inside with Harry." she ushered for us to go inside.

Professor McGonagall and Professor Flitwick, came rushing past us with a crowd following them. Mum, followed too.
McGonagall gave some instructions to Neville and Seamus, before casting a charm.
Piertotum Locomotor
Giant, statues and suits of armour jumped down form their plinths, all marching to protect Hogwarts. Flitwick muttered a spell too, and Mum joined in. So did Slughorn, forming a bright, blue shield around the school.

But you-know-who's army, soon after, cast spells making it fall down, burning.

Fred, Percy and I had been placed on our positions, ready to attack.
"You okay Freddie?" I asked trying to calm myself.
"Yeah." He answered, hesitating at first before smiling confidently at me.
"Me too." I playfully elbowed him in the side.
But somehow, I still had a weird feeling...


23:36 PM

The battle had raged on for hours and hours.
Somewhere in between it all, I had lost Percy and Fred...
It was killing me, but I had to push the thought aside. Could not let anything distract me. Besides... they were fine!!!
I was onehundred percent sure of that.

As my thoughts went on and on, I mindlessly stunned two to three Death Eaters. It creeped me out how it had almost become a routine by now... See a foe, stun it.


00:00 AM

Voldemorts voice had once again been broadcast. This time he ordered his army to stand back, and let us mourn our deaths.
I immediately, rushed to the great hall were I was sure to see my family again.

My heart was skipping multiple beats as i rushed down the hallways trying to convince myself that they were alright. Of course they were. Why wouldn't they be?

I rushed through the entrance to the hall but stopped.

I was frozen to the spot as I saw where my family was.

They were standing around someone.
I was too far away to recognize their faces, but as I closed in on them, I counted.
One, two, three, four, five, six.
Six redheads.

Something was off... And who where they all looking at?

My stomach flipped and I felt the urge to throw up as I saw who was lying on the floor...

Miss you - George Weasley x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now