1997 - 1998

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August 2nd 1997
18:23 PM

As soon as your Mum opened the door, you threw yourself around her neck, crying.
"Goodness dear, I missed you Y/n. How was your vacation?" She chuckled a bit before seeing the tears in your eyes as you pulled apart.
"What happened?"
"We- We broke up." You sobbed.

Your Mum pulled you into a warm embrace, and you relaxed at the touch. It felt nice to just let go.

"Come on in Honey. You'll need some sleep." She said calmly. "You can tell me about it tomorrow. Alright?"

You nodded, once again sniffling sadly.


August 3rd 1997
08:47 AM

Everything had just happened so fast these past few days so that three thoughts immediately popped into your head the moment you opened your eyes.
Number one, the wedding. It was still stressing you out that Ginny and the others might still have been in danger. Not to mention Geor- NO. You were not going to let yourself think about him. You were still greatly disappointed in him. Not to mention heartbroken.

Number two, the breakup.
Once again, George was flying around in your thoughts. Why did he act the way he did? You still hadn't allowed yourself to calm down enough to even consider his words. The only sentence you really remembered him say was that he didn't love you. George, your Georgie, didn't love you anymore.
It chrushed you that you were still head over heels in love with him, even though he probably didn't even spare you a single thought.

Number three, your possible father Robert. Thank god it was something else than that redhead going through your mind again. You had to ask Mum about him. Although you were not quite certain when or how...
It felt weird that George might've read about your Dad in that book, before you even knew his name!
Aaaargh! There was that stupid jerk again.  Wandering around in your mind, as if he owned it.
You rolled your eyes and walked downstairs for breakfast.

George's pov.
I was devastated.
Talking to Fred about it helped a bit.
"I feel like an idiot." I sighed sending my twin a frown.
"You kind of are..." He smirked.
"This is not the time for jokes Fred."
"No. I mean it." He sat down beside me at the kitchentable. "You told the love of your life that you didn't love her, AND you forgot to obliviate her when you broke up."
"I didn't forget it. I just... didn't really know when I should do it and before I knew, Y/n was out the door."
Fred put a hand on my shoulder. "There's nothing to do about it now... You just have to get over her."
I nodded sadly. There was NO WAY she would want me back after how I acted. Even though it was for her own good. Besides, there's a war coming. She would just be a distraction. That's what I kept telling myself at least.

"You're right."
"We're going back to the shop tomorrow. There's enough to do around there to make you forget."
"Thank you Fred..."

Y/n's pov.

"Good morning sweetheart." Your Mum was already cooking breakfast as you sat down at the table.
"How are you feeling?"
Her soft, silky voice once again succeeded in calming you down. This was what mothers were there for. Unconditional love.

"Oh, you know, just shifting between rage and utter disappointment..." You sighed.
"I'm sorry for you..." She gave you a small hug from behind before putting some scrambled eggs and bacon onto your plate.
"Thanks." You muttered.
She just smiled at you and sat down beside you.

"Do you want to talk about it?"
"Not now..." You sighed, stuffing your mouth with some eggs.
How could you tell her about it when she didn't even know about the wizarding world?
You still had to figure that one out.
"Maybe we can talk about it while I help you unpack. You know, I meant it when I said I would scold him if he ever hurt you."
This made you laugh. Just a tiny bit.
"Yeah, that sounds good."

Miss you - George Weasley x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now