April 1st 1997

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George's pov.
It was the easter holidays which meant that everyone was at the burrow. It was the perfect chance for Y/n to meet my family. Well everyone except Charlie. He's in Romania. And Percy... But for other reasons...

"George sweetie, when will you be getting
Y/n?" Mum asked. She had been really excited to meet her, ever since I mentioned her. Dad was excited too, but for other reasons. I would bet you 10 galleons that he had a list somewhere with questions about the muggle-world to ask Y/n. "Can't you just get her now?" Fred added. "It's our birthday and I want my presents!" He laughed while tinkering with a box of puking pastilles.
"George honey," Mum added. "Y/n will sleep in Ginny's room." "But why?" I sounded dissapointed. "Because she is a girl and I don't want anything going on while she's staying here."  I accepted my defeat seeing as you obviously couldn't change Mum's mind on this one.

Ginny came storming out of the bathroom. "WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO MY HAIR?!"
Fred and I erupted in laughter as we highfived. Her hair was no longer straight and red. No. It was so much better. We had added one of our newest potions to her shampoo, and now her hair was one big, green, braid floating in the air.
"What? We just needed someone to test our newest product!" Fred chimed. "Yeah, and it works!" I added before giggling.

"You boys stop it!" Mum ran towards us. "George, you go get your girlfriend and Fred you fix Ginny's hair!" She was mad. But not as mad as always... Guess she couldn't really scold us on our birthday.
I nodded before apparating to her house.


Knock knock
I knocked on her door and her Mum opened it.
"Well hello George, happy birthday." She greeted me before giving me a hug. "Thank you Mrs. L/n! Is Y/n ready yet?"
She nodded. "Y/n! Come down! George is here!"
"Coming!" She came down the staircase with a big bag in her hands. "Just need a little help..."
She chuckled, obviously having a hard time with it. "I'll help you." I rushed to her aid and took the bag from her. "Thanks." She kissed my cheek.
Merlin's beard I loved that woman. "Bye Mum!" They hugged. "I'll see you tomorrow."
Y/n said her goodbyes before coming with me out the door.

"So how do we get to your place if it's in the wizarding world?" She asked once the door behind us was closed. "Here, hold on to me."
She took my arm. "And DON'T let go. You ready?" She nodded.
I apparated to the burrow.

Y/n's pov.
You were now standing outside of the burrow, ready to go in. "Welcome to The Burrow." George smirked, giving you a kiss, before opening the door. "I'm home! With Y/n!" He belted. Two seconds barely passed before a redheaded woman stormed out the door. "Y/n, how nice to finally meet you!" She gave you a big hug. "I'm Molly, George's mum and I've heard so much about you." You nodded not wanting to cut in. "George dear, get her suitcases and bring them to Ginny's room." He nodded, taking my suitcases up the stairs. "I'll be right back."

"Meanwhile I can introduce you to our family."
You nodded. "That would... that would be great." Yay... once again you were shy. God dammit you hated that. Why couldn't you just be as outgoing as Molly? She's a great woman... err... witch. Woman?
Anyway... Molly pushed you around introducing you to everyone present. You couldn't help but notice the dishes that were doing themselves in the corner. And some kind of clock with every Weasley on and where they apparently were? You noticed a piece of the clock that was looking rather new, and it even seemed to be saying "Y/n's home." How interesting...?

You had now met Bill and his fianceé Fleur, who according to Molly was quite the arrogant toerag. Whatever that meant. It didn't really matter though 'cause you found her quite nice. But it still seemed as if Molly had a deep respect for her.

Miss you - George Weasley x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now