March 30th 1997

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You and George had been on lots of dates by now and you really liked him. Although... something about him was a little odd... he didn't have a phone number or he didn't want to give it to you. Instead, you would find cute letters by your front door almost every morning with little messages and where to meet him next. Even though you found it a bit frustrating that you couldn't really contact him, you also found it kind of romantic.
By now, a little squeal of joy escaped your mouth every time you opened your front door to find a letter.
Your Mum found it a bit odd, but she liked the gesture. She even liked George! They had met four times, and after every meeting your Mum would nod approvingly and exclaim that he was the best one yet! She normally wasn't this fond of your choice of men...

This morning, you once again felt thousands of butterflies in you stomach as you saw a new letter. You quickly took it with you to the kitchen before opening the letter by breaking the wax-seal. "What does he write this time sweetie?" Your Mum wanted to know. You quickly replied. "Well... it says:

Dear Y/n
Meet me at the Sunshine Hill at 02:00 PM
We need to talk.
- George"

You didn't read the last part out loud as you felt a crippling feeling of worry spread through your body. 'We need to talk' that can absolutely NEVER be good...
"Y/n?" Your Mum pulled you away from your thoughts. "Yes?"
"That's good right? George wants to see you again."
You nodded.
"Is everything alright? Did the letter say anything to sadden you?"
"No Mum... of course not..." You managed to sound at least somewhat convincing. It worked! A little bit at least. Your Mum decided not to press the matter more as she began to cook breakfast for the two of you.


11:48 AM

You were lying on your bed with your head buried in pillows. All day, you had managed to do absolutely nothing. You weren't exactly procrastinating or anything, you were just too nervous to get anything done. Your mind had played out how the conversation would go a million times by now and everytime the ending got worse. Even at breakfast your Mum had to call out your name a lot to get in contact with you. You also hadn't eaten anything because you couldn't find the strenght to pick up your fork so you were starved by now. But still, you just knew that if you tried, you couldn't get one bite down.

You were toying with the letter in your hands. Once again playing out the conversation in your mind. "Y/n?" Your Mum called out from downstairs. "Yes Mum?"
"Come down, I made lunch!"
Sighing, you decided that food was probably a good idea. You slowly got up from your bed, wandered down the stairs and sat down at the dinner table.
"Y/n. Is something wrong?" Your Mum asked. "No Mum, I'm fine! Why would you think that?" You actually were quite impressed with how good that lie was. "It's just... you've been very quiet since you read that letter sweetie..."
You Mum looked worried for a moment before placing a hand on you shoulder. "I'm just tired that's all."
You gave her a reassuring look.
"Alright honey. Just promise me that you tell me if there's a problem. Alright? Even if it's with George. I'll scold that boy right away!"
You chuckled lightly. "Alright... but please don't hurt him."
"I won't. Only if you ask me to." She joked lifting her finger at you. "Here, eat something." She handed you a plate of toast with avocado. Your favorite. "Thanks Mum!" You smiled. This had actually gotten you in a better mood!

01:56 PM

You were on your way to the hills now. You had decided to take it as it comes, and just make the best of it. If he had chosen to break up with you, then so be it. But still, you had dressed to impress. Maybe if he saw you in your yellow sundress, he wouldn't want to break up anymore. You hoped that you looked enticing enough.

And there it was. The Sunshine Hill. You could also see the silhouette of George standing between hundreds of lavender bushes. You took a deep breath before walking the last couple of feet. "Hi Y/n!" George beamed as he saw you. He rushed up to you and met you with a passionate kiss. You smiled against his lips as you felt his warm embrace. "I missed you." He whispered as the two of you broke apart.
"I am so relieved."
George suddenly looked at you with utter confusion. "Why are you relieved?"
"Well, because you wrote we need to talk, and you know that's never good. Right? So I just got really nervous about this meeting and everything. I mean what if you wanted to break up with me? But I mean, if you wanted to break up you wouldn't have kissed me. Right?
Oh god. You only kissed me out of pity right? Oh no... you really do want to-"
You were finally shut up with a kiss. "What makes you think that I would break up with you? I just wanted to tell you something. That's all." George chuckled sheepishly as he rubbed the back of his neck.

Miss you - George Weasley x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now