May 2nd 1998

2K 72 25

First of all, THANK YOU for almost 150 reads!
I know it's probably not that many, but to me it really is! So thanks!
Second of all, this story is coming to an end so I was thinking about the epilogue.
Do you guys want it to be 5 years into the future or just a cute lil' ending a few days later?
Lol pls answerrr


George's pov
00:18 AM

I ran towards my family, tears streaming down my face. It could not be true.
I sobbed loudly, now only inches away from my twin.
His leg was in a cast and he looked so peaceful.
"Is-" I choked on the words. It was as if they were fighting me, getting stuck in my throat.
"Is he-" I sobbed but Mum shook her head as she hugged me.
"He's alright Georgie." She comforted me. "He's just sleeping from all the painkillers."
I nodded, and as we pulled apart I noticed Ginny whisk away.

I was still crying silently as I knelt down beside him.
"Why are you crying mate?" Fred mumbled drowsily, opening his eyes. "I thought you were-" I still couldn't get the word out as I hugged him fiercely. "You know..."
He said, whimpering a bit. "I probably would have been, if it wasn't for Y/n."

I froze. A knot of worry formed in my stomach.
"Wait." I spoke slowly and unsure. "She's here?" Fred nodded. "How? Why?"
I couldn't believe it. "Where is she?!"
My heart was racing. What if something had happened to her?

"I need to see her."
Fred chuckled slightly.

It was right there that I heard a familiar voice. "Ginny, why are we rushing?"

I sighed relieved as I turned around and saw her.



Y/n's pov
00:18 AM

Ginny was fiercely pulling you away from the broken bench.
"Wait, Ginny..." You resisted. "I promised Fred to bring him some water."
"Yes, yes... water." She scoffed jokingly. "We'll get it on the way inside."


Ginny was still pulling you by the hand. Except, now it had gotten a lot harder to follow her because of the glass of water you were holding in your other hand, trying and failing miserably not to spill.

"Ginny, why are we rushing?"

She stopped, turned around and smiled. "Thank me later," she said proudly before swiftly walking over to Bill and Fleur.

And there you stood. Completely numbed to the outside world, as you dropped the glass of water.
The only thing you could see, was

He smiled sheepishly before getting up from beside Fred, and walking towards you.
You couldn't bear it anymore.
No matter how much you had tried to forget about him these past few months, you couldn't.

So you ran.
Not towards George, but away.
It suddenly felt like the hall was about to crash down on you, as it kept getting smaller by the second.
You had to get away from there.

He looked confused as you turned around but it was really, all a blur to you.
Tears were rolling down your cheeks as you ran, hearing him call out your name.
You finally made it out of the hall and into what seemed to be a classroom.
You closed the door behind you, and rushed towards the nearest corner where you sat down on the floor and cried.
Cried your heart out.

"Y/n?" You heard George from outside the door. His steps closing in on you as he entered the classroom.

"Please Y/n." He sat down beside you. "Hear me out."

Miss you - George Weasley x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now