June 14th 2003

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Five years later

Y/n's POV
06:55 AM

"Good morning dear!" Molly strode happily into your room in the burrow.
"Today's the big day! Rise and shine!"
You groggily rubbed your eyes before slowly getting up from the bed.
A smile spread on your face as you remembered. Today was your wedding day!
George had proposed to you six months ago and Molly had been planning the wedding ever since...

**Flashback to six months ago**

"One pygmy puff and an aviatomobile, that'll be 5 galleons, 3 sickles and 11 knuts!" You said cheerily at the customer in front of you. You had taken an extra shift at Weasley's Wizard Weezes because Fred had to go to Germany for some supplies, and George seemed to be busy as he hadn't left the upstairs apartment all day...
"Do you want the aviatomobile wrapped as a gift?" The customer nodded, before you wrapped the toy in some red wrapping paper.
"Merry Christmas!" You exclaimed as the customer payed and left the shop.
You looked at the clock
18:57 PM.
Time to close up the shop and find out what George had been doing all day. You mumbled a muggle christmas song while locking the door and turning off the lights.

You walked up the stairs and entered the hallway of the tiny apartment. As soon as the war was over, George had asked you to move in with him and Fred. You said yes of course, and now you couldn't be more grateful. If you had to walk all the way to your old home now, you would have fallen asleep before you even reached the front door. Now, you only had to climb a few stairs. Not that bad. You chuckled lightly at your own thoughts.

As you took off your shoes and walked into the living room, you noticed that the place was awfully dark and.... silent?
That was definitely not normal seeing as George had been working up here all day! To be honest, you had kind of been expecting to be blown away by a new product as soon as you stepped into the apartment... but it was just awfully still.
Maybe it was a prank? You wouldn't put it past him to prank you when you least expected it. Hadn't been the first time anyways!

Suddenly, a thousand tiny fireworks exploded all over the apartment, lighting up the room in gorgeous pink and blue colours. You were amazed as you saw George standing in front of you in a... tuxedo?
He was holding a rose and smiling as if the world depended on it.
You blushed. No one had ever done something like this for you before!

"Y/n, I love you." He started off as you got closer to him. "We've been through a lot together and I know we can handle a lot more." A tiny, nervous chuckle erupted from his lips with you now only inches away from him.

"You are my everything. And to be honest, I can't believe how you can stand me... Merlin's beard! I mean you don't even get mad when I prank you!"
Now it was your turn to laugh as tiny tears of joy started to form in your eyes. "And you even stayed with me when I lost my ear! I can't believe how lucky I am to wake up to your beautiful face every morning. With you, I have everything I ever wanted. But I do want more..."

You took a sharp breath as he slowly got down on one knee.

"And even though I probably don't deserve you,

Y/n, will you marry me?"

"Of course I will you moron!"
You barely got out the words between chuckles, and happy sobs. George presented you with the rose in his hands, and as soon as it touched the tip of your finger it turned into a wonderful silver ring, with a single stone shining brighter than anything else.

Miss you - George Weasley x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now