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Finley Crosby

Me and Mitch went to this little restaurant, near our apartment. "Welcome in, did you have a table reservation?" A young lady in the door asks. "Yeah, table for two for Mitch Marner" Mitch says smiling at me. "Just a second." The woman says looking into her computer screen "oh yes, follow me please." She leads us to our table and brings us our menu. Our table is next to a window, in the back of the restaurant. After a moment we order our food and start talking. It's not awkward, and that is a bit of suprise for me, because I'm very awkward person. "So, tell me something about yourself. I don't really know much about you, unless that you are Crosby's sister and Austons best friend is much" Mitch chuckles. Oh god he is so handsome.. "Well you're right it isn't much. Where should I begin? Okay let's see I was born in 1998 in Cole Harbour, but moved in here few years later. I went to same high school as Auston who also had moved in here not long time before that." "I'm curious. How did you two became friends?" "Well at first we only had some classes together nothing more, but one day this one guy was trying to beat me up Auston saw it and came to help me, we have been best friends since" I say smiling. "Wow, why is always tge prettiest girls who get's bullied" Mitch says smiling and I feel myself blush a little. Our food then comes and we eat while he tells me about his childhood and littlebit more about himself.

After that we went to the beach. It was warm night so we decided to watch the sunset. Eventhough it was warm, I was getting a little cold because I was only wearing a dress. Mitch noticed that and gave me his jacket.

After some time we found a place to sit and sat next to eachother. We didn't talk much we just lookedbat the beautiful view.

I noticed Mitch looking at me from time to time. "The view is so pretty" I said without moving my gaze from the ocean. "Not as pretty as you." Mitch said putting his arm around me. "Well you don't look too bad yourself either." I say, now looking into his eyes. We both start to lean in and finally Mitch brokes the space between us by smashing his lips against mine. I smile as we broke the kiss, both out of breath. "Wow" is all he says before kissing my lips, this time faster. "Would you like to be my girlfriend? I know we haven't known eachother too long but I really like you." "Mitch Marner, I would love to be your girlfriend."

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