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I don't normally like to switch POV's in the middle of the chapter but I'll do it this time or else these parts would be too short.

Song: We Found Love by Timeflies Tuesday

Sidney Crosby

I told Finley I would go out to run some arrands but actually I went to the PPG to talk to the owner with Marner and Nylander. "Okay so what did you wanna talk about, guys" he asks. "So we had this plan, because my ex girlfriend tried to ruin my new relationship with Sidney's sister that I would apologize and suprise her in todays game." Mitch starts. "And what kind of plan that is?" Just that before the second period.." then he told him the plan and in our suprise he sid it could happen. We just needed a permission from both teams coaches. So first I called my coach, he said that because it was my sister it would be fine. Then Mitch called his coach and told him everything and he said it would be okay too. So we started to set thing up.

After a while Auston came. "So, is she coming?" Mitch asked, he was a nervous wreck. "Yes, I used my, you promised me you would always comw to my game if I asked you to - card and she had to say yes" he says smiling. "Oh and I hope you won't be mad but she said she would wesr my jersey" he continues. "I don't know did you say that for me or for Marner but neither of us won't be mad" I chuckle.

Finley Crosby

I really didn't feel like going to that game since I knew that Mitch was playing, but I promised Auston that I would go. I didn't take a car, because I could come with the same ride as Sidney so I took a buss.

I found my seat and it was time for warmups.

It was the end of the first period and neither one of the teams hadn't make a goal. Both teams left the ice and there was an announcement. "Good afternoon ladies and gentleman, hope you don't mind that this half time lasts 10-15 minutes longer due to suprise. Enjoy your night"  I've seen this before, it's propably a propose or something like that.

Mitch Marner

"I am so nervous" I say when we got to the locker room. "You'll be fine, when you explain her everything she will be taking you back with open arms." Auston says. I got a text from Sidney that everything is ready. "Okay let's do this. The announcer(?) speaks again. "Okayy, ladies and gentlemen it's time for the suprise, now if I could ask could you Finley Brooke Crosby come down to the ice?" The cameras turns to her and she looks confused. She slowly stands up amd walks down where Sidney is waiting to lift her over the edge. He gives her her skates and she puts them on. Then  Sidney leads him to the center as planned. Our song starts playing. And that's a sign for me to go out there. I take a deep breath and skate towards her.

Finley Crosby

The announcer asks me to go down and I see Sidney waiting me down there. I go down there and he hands me the skates. "Sidney what is going on?" "You'll see soon" he says. I put my skates on and he leads me to the center. "Just stay here okay, you will love this" then he just skates away. What the heck is going on?

Just then my favorite song, and mine and Mitches song starts to play. Right after that I see Mitch skating towards me. I wanna leave this ice so badly... I can't move, I frozen to my spot. Mitch skates in front of me and I see Auston, William, Sidney and Jared skate behind him.

He takes my hands in his and looks me in the eyes "Finley, You didn't give me time to explain what happened, hell you didn't even tell me what happened. But the truth is, I never took Stephanie back. I would never do that. I've never been more miserable than what I was this past few days. I know you left Toronto because of me, I know I, or I could say my past hurt you.. but you have to believe me when I say that you are the only one for me.. Finley Crosby I love you.. is there any change you would take me back and come back home?" He says with tears in his eyes. I swipe my own tears and nod slightly, "Mitch, I- I love you too, and yes I would love to take you back" he then hugs me lifting me up at the same time. I can hear the cround cheer and whistle. But all that matters is the fact that I got my boyfriend back. All of the other guys gives me roses and then I skate out of the ice with tears in my eyes and roses in my hands.


This is one of the last chapters I'm writing to this book, so I hope you'll like it.

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