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Finley Crosby

Song: One Direction -One thing

I woke up before Sidney and went out to get some fresh coffee and breakfast. I found this little cafe where I bought two big coffees and some bagels. When I came back he had just woke up and came from the bathroom. "Morning" he said yawning  "morning, I brought some fresh coffee and bagels" "I love you so much sis" "I know that Sid" I say taking a sip from my coffee. I know I'm obsessed with coffee.. "so you have a game today, who is it against?" "You don't remember? It's against Leafs" My heart skips a beat when I hear the teams name. They are coming here?  At the same time my phone starts ringing. You take that, I'll finish my breakfast."

I look at the caller and  it's Auston. "Hey Matthews" "Finley, it's so great to hear your voice" I smile at his comment. "Hey, just wanted to call you and tell you that our plane just landed in Pittsburgh.. I miss my bestie so I thought that maybe I could come over?" I miss Auston so much... "Oh yeah I forgot that you are playing here today.. I miss you too but I don't wanna see Mitch..." "I can come alone, or with William if he likes to come too, I'm not taking Mitch to see you when he is the reason you left.." "okay I'll text you the address, love you Matthews.." "okay, love you too Crosby"

Half an hour later I hear a knock on the door and almost run to open it knowing that it is Auston. When the door opens I am immediately pulled into a tight hug. Auston hugs me with his muscular hockeyplayer arms and I can feel myself tear up because I missed him so much. "Hey you" I say when he finally let's go of me. "Hey, how are you doing?" "I've been better. But I'm happy to see you"  "I'm happy to see you too" "oh hey Matthews" Sidney says and puts his shoes on. "Where are you going?" "Well since now you have some other company than me or netflix I though I'd run some arrands." "Okay byee" "bye Sid" Auston and I answer him.  "So I heard Amelia left too" I say sadly. I feel bad for Auston two of his most meaningful people left. "Yeah, she told me she'd be back in a week or so." "So is she in Bali now?" I ask "nope, in California, she meets her friends there and then they go to Bali to see some concert they could see in Cali in a few weeks." I can hear the annoyance in his voice. "Well you're here now and I'm here too" I say smiling. "Sidney has two cars so I suggest that we take a tour around the city playing our favorite songs?" "Yeah, that would be nice." 

We get to the car and I fasten my seatbelt and adjust my seat so I can drive better. Auston puts his phone on the aux and puts on that one song that never fails of cheering me up. And that song is One Direction - One thing. I chuckle and start singing. "You know I hate this song right?" He starts. "But I will do anything to make my best friend happy. I smile at him "No one can hate this song admit it or not you love this song."

After few hours it was time for me to drop Auston at the PPG. "I want you to come watch this game." Auston says when I park the car. "I don't know.." "I got you a ticket, I know you don't wanna see Mitch but you've promised me that you would always be at my game if I asked you.." "okay, you sang song you hate for me so I promise I will come to that game. And I will be wearing your jersey" "okay, see you in few hours, oh and your seat is behind Penguins bench." "Okay see ya, love you"

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