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Mitch Marner

(AGAIN no hate to Stephanie, this is just a part of my storyline)

I finally see Finley after she has been dancing with Amelia. I open my arms to hug her but before that, someone else hugged me. I can see shock in Finleys eyes and I'm pretty sure my look is like a mirror to hers. I look down and see Stephanie, my ex girlfriend hugging me. I look at Finley then at Auston. She finally let's go of me and Finley and Amelia gets closer. Steph waves at Auston smiling. Great, now both Amelia and Finley are mad. "Hey Mitchie, hey Auston" she says. Why does she have to be so fake. "Um Mitch who is she?" Finley asks. I'm just starting to answer when steph just had to open her mouth. "Oh you must be a friend of Mitches, I'm his friend from highschool, actually we where highschool sweethearts"

Hearing that makes me feel sick. I can see Finley fighting against tears and I know I messed up. "Anyway, I would love to catch up with Mitchie, so byee Steph says dragging me away from my friends and my girlfriend. Fuck.

I hear Steph talking about something that happened to her last month in LA when she was modelling there. I don't really care about that. I wanted to be with Finn tonight. Not with my annoying ex.

After some time I see Nylander and Kapanen approach me. Thank god I see some familiar faces that don't belong to my ex. "Hey guys" I say and get some fake happy greetings back. Okay they know and they are on Finleys side. But they don't even know my side of the story.

I hear familiar song starting to play and I look at Finley, who storms out of the club, Auston near behind. "Sorry steph but I gotta go, my girlfriend needs me." "YOU HAVE A GIRLFRIEND?! Who is she?" "That 'friend of mine' " I say quoeting(?) her. "That one? Why?" She says fustrated. "Because, she's so fucking amazing and funny and pretty and knows something about hockey, I need to go, hope I don't see you again"

When I get outside I see Auston huggin Finn, and Finn ranting herself. My heart breaks when I hear everything she says. "I'm just this ugly girl like everyone says, how would I beat a girl like that? With my brown hair and brown eyes?" "By being the most gorgeous girl a guy could ever ask for" I say and she turns around so she is facing me. "Finley, what me and Stephanie had, that's in the past, I don't like her like that. I'm sorry I screw up our night. I really am" 'you better be, I'm not afraid to beat your ass up if you don't treat her well" Auston defends her. And I understand that, she is like a sister to him. "It's fine" she says shivering. I take of my jacket. "Come here" she walks over to me and gives me a hug. "I'll go find Amelia" Auston says patting me in my shoulder. "And for your information, no it's not fine, I don't wanna see you crying 'cause of me." She gives me a kiss. The kiss is sweet and full of sorry and forgiveness. "Do you wanna go home and watch movies while cuddling?" I ask putting my arm around her waist. "I would love that" with that we leave to go to her apartment.

Pretty sure you didn't expect Mitches POV. But there you have it. I hope you like it❤
ALSO I published two parts already this morning, this and 10th part. (in Finland it's currently 10.18 in the morning). So we'll see if I post 12th part today too.

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