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Auston Matthews

We are at the locker room before the game. "Is Finn coming to watch the game?" I ask Mitch. "Yes, she said she was very excited to come, and so am I" he says smiling. I tie my skates and see a text from Finn.

Hey, just wanted to tell you that I brought Amelia some soup.
On my way to watch my bestfriend and boyfriend play😎

I smiled at her text and replied with a simple smiley face.

The game has just started and it was first power break, I looked at the fans and saw Finley, talking to someone behind her and not paying attention, wich was weird since she has told me she feels like others besides few, who she already knew doesn't like her that much.

I shake that thought out of my mind and focus on the game. It's second period and I don't see Finley anymore so I go to talk to Mitch, "hey dude, why isn't Finley here?" "She isn't? Well I think she is just in the bathroom or something." He says and with that we're on the ice again.

It's last period and the game is 2-2 I see a great opportunity with Mitch and he passes me the puck and I score our game-winning goal.

We go to locker rooms and after Me and Mitch are ready to leave I notice that Finley isn't here. "Where is she?" Mitch asks and I'm getting worried when William comes asking me if he can get a ride home since Finley has taken his car home. Mitch tries to call her but she doesn't answer. I send her multiple messages wich she doesn't answer either. Just when I'm going to call Amelia and see if she knows something Finley sends me a message.

Sorry Auston, something came up at the game..
I'm alright tho❤

"Guys she just send me a message she is alright, I think she just got the cold from Amelia, she visited her today" I say. Mitch sighs from relief. "Should I go visit her?" "I thinks she needs to rest so I'd say you should see her tomorrow." William said and with that we were on our way to Kneelanders apartment.

"Wanna come see your bestie and I don't know maybe grab a beer? We won after all" "yeah sure" I say and we both exit the car. When we go inside the whole house is silent. "I'll go check if she is sleeping" I say put when I open the door she isn't there. "MATTHEWS THERE IS A LETTER FROM FINLEY" I practically run downstairs and read the letter. Then I try to call her few times also leaving messages. "What the fuck Mitch has done" I say out of anger and hit my hand in the table.

"I should go home and try to reach Finley" I say after few beers, "my car is staying in your parking lot." "Yeah sure, and hey tell me when she answers." "I will"

It's 4am and I still haven't heard from Finley. And I care about her too much to go to sleep before she answers me. I only need to wait ten more minutes to get answer from her. After a moment I go to sleep.

We had an optional practice this morning and Itied my skates and went on the ice. I saw Mitch and decided that I would say a few words to him. So I push him slightly so he turns around. Before he can say anything I start "what the fuck dude? What where you thinking? Really you're a fucking idiot you realise that?" I say pushing him again. "What the hell are you talking about" he says pushing me. "I'M SAYING THAT YOU ARE A FUCKING DICKHEAD FOR LYING TO FINLEY AND FOR GETTING BACK TOGETHER WITH THAT BITCH STEPHANIE" "What? No I haven't" "umm that's not what Finley said" I say angrily. "She said what?" He asks confused. This guy is really pissing me off. "Don't play stupid" I say and throw my cloves away, ready to punch him. "she told me last night that Steph came to last nights game and told everyone that you two got back together" "what steph was here last night?" Now I'm really pissed and throw a punch in his roght cheek. "MATTHEWS LET THE MAN BE" I hear Nylander yell for me. "NO I WON'T THIS BASTARD CHEATED ON FINLEY" "AUSTON JUST FUCKING LISTEN TO ME, OKAY, I HAVEN'T CHEATED NOR GOT BACK TOGETHER WITH STEPH" Mitch yells and I stop dead in my tracks. "You have to believe me. She is trying something and Finley is so vulnerable that she believed her." Mitch says and breaks his stick out of anger. "Well, we can fix this. You guys don't remember? We have a game in Pittsburgh day after tomorrow." William says coming between me and Mitch.

Wooo, we got a long part with Austons POV!! I hope you like it❤

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