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"I like you a lot actually.." He says in one breath. I start to feel blood rush up to my cheeks. H-he likes me?!

I stared at him. He looked down in embarrassed..I actually like him to..who would of thought that two people that like each other would be together, what a small world.

"I...I like you to.." He looked surprised. "I-I'll be right back, just give me one minute." I nod, feeling flustered as hell.

He leaves the room, closing the door behind him. I squeal when the door is fully close.
"Oh my goddddd! He actually like meeeeee!" I continue to squeal more.

Then the door opens, revealing Kihyun. "What were you doing?" I ask him.

"I had to use the rest room." I nod, not questioning it anymore. "W-will you be my g-girlfriend?" He asks, stuttering a bit which made him look cute every time he stuttered.

"Yes I will!"

He happily danced which made me giggle. "You should get some rest and I'm sure you'll heal soon." I nod with a big smile planted on my face. He sits down in the chair as I lay back down and close my eyes. I hear him softly humming which was great to my ears. "You have a beautiful voice."

I say still with my eyes close then I open them to see Kihyun with his eyes widen. "I didn't think you were awake." I giggle then fall asleep as he continues to hum a beautiful song.

I wake up to the bright light shining in my face. I look to my left to see Kihyun peacefully sleeping in the chair beside my bed. I rub his hair then, suddenly his eyes open. I felt embarrassed. He sits up with a big smirk planted on his face while I hid my face in both of my hands..then the doctor walks in the room. "Hello, doc." Kihyun says, getting up and bowing to him.

"So Y/n, you are able to discharge today but you have to have crutches and a cast on your foot." I nod, not complaining because all I've been doing in this hospital is sleep all day, literally. "Yes, doctor."

He smiles at me then walks out. "Am I aloud to go to school?" He nods. "I contacted the school to see if you are able to come back once you were out the hospital and they said as long as your ready." I nod happily missing Jennie.. I began to frown and look down. "What's wrong Y/n?" I look up at Kihyun. "I-I remember everything with Jisoo...and I don't know if I should be friends with her or not."

"Do what your heart tells you to do and if you think that's the right thing to do then do it!" He smiles through out the whole sentence. I smile along with him..

A few minutes later the doctor comes back in the room, closing the door behind him and then walking to us with crutches in his hand. "Here use this to help you walk and might want to practice walking with the crutches just in case. I nod.

It was night time and it was time to discharge and I had the cast on and I had the crutches helping me walk with the cast on my foot, Kihyun also helped me walk which I thanked him for his help afterwards.

He called a cab and we got in but he actually helped me in hehe..damn foot.
The cab driver drove off and we were on our way to our dorm complex. Our hands were placed beside each other then I suddenly feel something grip my hand. I look down to see Kihyun intertwining our hand...I blushed and looked up. I felt like I was safe. My hand was cold but not anymore now that he held my hand.

We finally got to our dorm complex, Kihyun paid, got out the car and helped me out to and we went inside the complex building.

We go to our dorm room, close the door behind us and took our shoes off by the entrance of our door. "Hey, I'm going to change." He nods but before I left to my room, I heard him say from his room. "Be careful with your foot." I started to blush and nodded to myself then closed my room door.

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