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I enter the building being greeted by my co-workers. I bow to them as they bow back to me. U finally enter my office to see my secretary, sitting in a chair in my office. I sigh and bow to him. "Yes?" I ask him. Well u didn't really wanna see him now because he has a crush on me even though I told him many times I'm taken., he just doesn't listen well.

"Hello, miss Y/n! I brought flowers that your boyfriend brung you. He did this same exact thing to me awhile ago. He would go be me flowers, saying there from my boyfriend but it's actually from him."Thank you, I guess. "

I take the flowers from him and open my office door."Where are you going? " he asks as I walk out my door with the owners."Coffee. " I simply say, not wanting to talk to him much. The boy that pesters me everyday is named Lee Yoon Jin.

I always had a weird vibe from him and when my mother still worked here, I would visit her after school sometimes and he would always be there, waiting for me like he knew I was coming which he shouldn't have known I was coming which freaked me out sorta.

I just don't get a good vibe from him, that's all. I walk in the staff room to get me some coffee when I see Yoonjin already there, holding a cup of coffee. The weird part is that he put everything in there... Just right. Like how much sugar, how much cream I wanted and even had a spoon in there for me to sip it from. It also freaked me out that he knew a lot about me then he should have.

I grab the coffee out if his hands. "Thanks." I simply say and turn around from him the walk out the staff room when a person comes to me, stopping me. "Hey, I got your report ready." I smile brightly at her then grab the reports out of her hands. "Thank you a lot. I'll check through it to make sure everything's good which should all be good knowing you made this!" I always encourage my employees because I don't really want people to hate me here.

She smiles back at me then walks off to her desk. I go to my office, sit down in my chair and start reading through the file to see if her grammar is good and if everything else is good to go.

The report was well writen which I already knew that. Everytime I complimented her she would always work even harder the next time she has to do something which I like about her and her name is Chaeyoung. (Yes, Chaeyoung from Twice!, she's my bias in Twice btw!) this is what she looks like.

That's what she wore to work today

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That's what she wore to work today. I can say me a d her are pretty close.

Okay, back to work.

I write down what she wrote in the report on my computer and put it all in a file in a flash drive. I put the flash drive into my bag that had my laptop in it to go to a meeting a bit the report. I go to the meeting that wasn't to far from my office which was pretty good so I won't be late. I enter the meeting room and set my computer and everything up cause I'm the first one in there like always.

I put the flash drive into the laptop and look through the files when a bunch of people pile in the room. I get up out the chair and bow to the people that just walked in. "Hello. Please sit down." They all sit down in chairs around the table. I then start off about talking about the report.

Skip time: 1 month later.
I haven't started my period for a month ever since I got the notification. Maybe some things wrong down there. Should I got to the hospital? I think I should... I get out of my room and head to Kihyuns. "Hey Kihyun?" he looks up at me with a huge smile plants on his face. "Yeah?"

"I haven't started my period yet. Will you go with me to the hospital?" he nods. "Yeah I will, let me get ready." I nod and head to my room to take a hot shower. I chose some clothes but notices something strange about my stomach.... It looks different from a month ago. Oh well....

I get out the shower and rapped a towel around my waist. The towel rapped around my waist felt tighter then usual. I should really stop eating all that junk food I've been eating.. I grab clothes out my closet and changes into the clothes I chose which was:

I let my hair flow over my shoulders, meaning I didn't do anything with my hair

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I let my hair flow over my shoulders, meaning I didn't do anything with my hair. I put on nude make up and left my room to go to Kihyun's to see if he's ready or not. I enter his room to see his waist rapped in a towel and again his wet hair and wet abs, setting his floor.

I gulped at the sight. "H-hurry and get ready." I say as I quickly leave his room. (R.I.P Kihyun fans..)

I go to Jisoo's room instead of mine and sat on her bed beside her. She looks up to me with a bright smile on her face. "I lost my virginity!" she screams in excitement which startled me a little. "I thought you been lost it!" I yelled cause of my anger from her yelling for no reason.

"Sorry! I lost it to Chanyeol. and boy, he is big!" I cover my ears after that part as she rambles on about what they did. "I have a boyfriend and Kihyun is forever bigger then Chanyeol."she does a dramatic gasp which made me giggle.

"Anyways I'm going to the doctors. Are you coming?" she shakes her head. "I got work at 11:00 am." I nod and exit her room to see Kihyun waiting beside Jisoo's door frame. I started blushing thinking he heard what I said about him being bigger...

I swear I saw that tiny smirk of his planted onto is face. "Let's go." I say so I don't have to look at his smirk anymore. He follows behind me and we get into my car then drive off to the hospital. We enter the hospital after a long drive there. We checked in and did all that then finally we were card back to have my check up.

We waited in the room for the doctor to come and tell us what's wrong after he did some scans on my body and stuff..... Then the door finally opened revealing the doctor with a sheet of paper in his hands. "Okay, so your cycle is normal and everything was right in your body..."

A/n: I'm sorry this chapter is so short, I just wanted to find the best cliff hanger for you, that's all. Have a nice day and follow _Chloe_lynn_13

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