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'Wait! Act normal. She thinks we're still working on plans for the room. Remember?' Lamesha rushing to get a spot on the couch and signals for Raichelle to sit next to her.

'Oh yeah..duh...' Raichelle blushes, then grabs a few folders and opens them on the coffee table. Now the ladies are pretending to be busy when everyone walked in.

'We're back everybody!' This was Van's signal to the ladies that it was Go Time. He spoke politely, hugged and kissed his wife, as she helped him put a bag beside the door before sitting back down. Then he dapped Raichelle and she gave him the thumbs up letting him know all was in place. This brought a big smile to his face. 'Seems a little dark in here.' He opens the windows in the living room. 

'I didn't even notice at first because I was so busy. But this is a lot better. Thanks, Van.'

'No problem.' Van smiled. 'What are you ladies up to?'

'Well..' Lamesha started to explain until Kennadee bursts in and takes a deep breath. She's now giddy at that familiar smell as she lets out an excited 'AHHHH', rubbing her hands together in anticipation of her favorite dish. Currently too distracted by the aroma to pay attention to anything else at the moment.

'Oooh...something smells good! Is that MY gumbo, Daddy?' Kennadee smirks at her father, bouncing her brows at him causing him to laugh.

'And HELLO to you too, ma'am!' Lamesha hops up off the couch and thumps Kennadee's arm before hugging her. 'I miss your hungry butt too!' 

'Hey, Mama. I miss you!' She grabbed her mom tightly, pecking her cheek repeatedly to annoy her. Lamesha pushes her away causing Kennadee to overreact, pretending to fall against the wall as if she was hurt. This made everyone laugh. This young lady is a character! 

'Hey, Ms Raichelle.' Kennadee waved and smiled at Raichelle. She was going to hug her, but Lamesha told her not to at the moment because she was smelling like 'outside'. She really didn't want Kennadee to see anything in the folders, being as nosy as she is. They had been doing good enough so far to not ruin the surprise. She noticed the young lady had very similar traits and mannerisms as her father. It was so sweet seeing how they got along so well and that they can joke with one another. She was definitely A Daddy's Girl. Lamesha seemed to be more of a disciplinarian. Very similar to the dynamic that was her growing up. 

Raichelle smiled, replied to the greeting, and got back to pretending to work in her folder. Then she watched as they all followed Kennadee to the kitchen as she followed her nose. She heard Kennadee screaming in delight about how beautiful the kitchen and dining area were as each space was decked out in her favorite colors. Her parents explained that they wanted to celebrate her birthday a little early since it was the following Monday. She was so excited that her parents made her favorites. But she was more excited about the gumbo more than anything and was ready to chow down. Kennadee tried to grab a bowl, but her mother slapped her hand and told her to wait, causing her to whine.

As the rest of the family trailed into the house, they greeted Raichelle. Ian glides in, bobbing his head to some music on his ear buds, giving a head nod and wheeling luggage. The baby boy Lance stumbles in afterwards causing a commotion. Still insisting he'd carry the biggest bag for his big sister. The little independent. It was just the cutest sight, she couldn't help but smile. 

Once Lance saw Raichelle, his eyes lit up and he let go of the bag to give her a hug. Then he proceeded to drag the huge bag huffing and puffing. Raichelle asking if he needed help but he just responded after catching his breath somewhat 'I got it, Ms. Raichelle. Thank you.' Such a sweet and adorable kid.

'Ms. Raichelle. Are you going to eat with us?' Ian peeped back in the living room in to ask. 

'Oh sure, Ian. Is everyone ready to eat yet?' Raichelle asked looking up from checking messages in her phone.

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