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'We meet again, old friend...' Raichelle giggles to herself as she find a nearby parking space in front of her favorite home improvement store. She felt an on-coming food coma, rightfully so as she stuffed her face at her favorite soul food eating spot with Ronnie. Now she's debating with herself as to whether or not go inside. 'Might as well while I'm here. No sense in wasting trips. Gotta 'strike while the iron is hot' like Papa use to say.'

Her mind is racing with ideas and she has always had success when creativity strikes, which could be at any moment. She's in there so much that alot of the people there know her by name. 

One of the workers greets her. 

Raichelle smiles as they exchange words 'Hey, Raichelle. It's good to see your beautiful face again. I knew you couldn't stay away.' An older white lady with a perfectly coifed pixie cut pushes a cart in her direction and smiles. 

Raichelle blushes and responds, 'Hey, Ms. Claudine. Thanks so much. You know it. I love your new haircut. Lookin good.' 

'Aww, thank you, Sugar. I just got my nails done too. My granddaughter talked me into getting these almond-shaped nails. I don't know how these kids do it. I almost poked my eye out trynna put these here lashes on.' They both laughed. 

'Well, I can't keep nails cus I always break em.' Raichelle flashes her stubby nails. 

'What you working on this time, Hun? You getting paint again?' Ms. Claudine smiled, intrigued while still simultaneously greeting each customer that walks through the entrance.

'Not sure yet, but I'll show you when I'm done.' Raichelle taps her chin, still in Thought Mode.

'I know you will. I look forward to it. You should really go into business, you're so talented.' Ms. Claudine nodded.

'Aww, thanks so much..I've been told that I don't know how many times.' Raichelle batted her lashes.

'Well, you should, Sweetheart.' She smiled, patting her shoulder in a loving, grandmotherly way. 'Don't let me hold you up. You get on to creatin' now..' 

'I will. Thank you so much. You're always a great encouragement as usual' Ms. Claudine nods and pats Raichelle on the back, then walks back to her position as a greeter. 

She overhears Ms. Claudine talking with other customers as they come in the door. She is such a sweet spirit. The world needs more people like her. 

Then she hears a deep voice conversing with Ms. Claudine, she starts to panic and darts to the nearest aisle. 'God I hope that's not who I think it is.' She whispers to herself between breaths. 'Swatches...swatches...'. She loves looking at swatches. They always give her the spark she needs to get her creativity flowing. 

Greg, a middle aged hispanic gentleman smiles widely as she approaches. 'There you are, Ms. Raichelle.  I was wondering when I'd see you again.' 

'I'm here as always!' She smiles back, giving Jazz Hands causing him to chuckle. 

'What can I help you with today, ma'am?' He asks as he runs his hand over his lush curls, then leans forward, propping his elbows one the counter with his hands interlocked. All of his attentions are on the chocolate beauty.

'I'm not exactly sure yet, buddy. I'm just gonna let the swatches speak to me. I have a party coming up and I'm trying to decide on a color scheme. I'm definitely thinking GLAM.' 

'Glam, huh? Sounds good to me. I'm sure you know a thing or two about that based on what you've done before. But if you need anything, you know what to do.' He winks. 

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