What's Next?

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After I stop screaming I run to my bed and jump up and down. The. I sit down ready and grab my phone ready to call Lincoln when I stop and realize he's gone. In that moment I was in a whirlwind of emotions, like I'm on a rollercoaster that goes through every powerful emotion that I'm feeling and it sucker punches me at each turn and tilt. I look at my phone again and my finger hovers over Coulson's name.

What should I do? If I call him, I give him the chance to haul my ass back but if I don't it's gonna break me even more. I mean I don't even know what I'm gonna do with this information. Yes I am pregnant but what comes next? I never had a mom or grew up in a stable and loving home. How do I know I won't screw it up? How do I know what I'm doing is I right? I never had a parent I don't think I'll be one.

While all of these thoughts rush threw my mind I don't realize that I'm crying until I feel a tear fall on my hand. I quickly wipe my face and think of what Lincoln would say. I close my eyes and I can see his face and is big goody smile. I can imagine him kissing me and being happy  even though we never talked about starting our own family or even having any kind of talk I see him beaming.  He'd be happy to start a family he'd be an amazing dad.

What would Lincoln do in this situation? I open my eyes and smile down at my belly

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What would Lincoln do in this situation? I open my eyes and smile down at my belly. "looks like we're in this together bub," I whisper to it. I'm gonna keep it. Lincoln may not be here physically but he will love this child no matter what and I'm gonna love it for the both of us.

                                 — 1 week later—
I shut my laptop closed after my deep dive and finding what I need. I took another flight out of New York under a different name because S.H.I.E.L.D. is probably looking for me and searching for any flags of where I might be. I didn't book a flight under the name of Daisy Johnson but under the name Evelyn Stevens. There's a small chance my plan will work out great and another that it won't go great. My flight lands in the state of Missouri and I hail a cab far into the middle of no where until I spot a Homestead. I really hope that he remembers his old friend.

I knock on the door and am greeted by a little girl, "Hi can I help you," she asks me. At first I was confused I thought he was meant to be living here. "Sorry," I say, " I was looking for someone and you're not him". I'm about to turn away and she replies, " No one else lives out here. Who you looking for maybe I can help". I turn back around and stare at her. I act like I'm thinking of my answer when in reality I'm surveilling my surroundings. Where is he hiding? I clear my throat and call out , " I know you're watching from somewhere so how about you come out and face me". On command a man with his bow and arrows rolls out in front of the little girl, ready to shoot if I try to come near them.

"Who are you and why are you here?," he questions me. I tilt my head to the side. "Now Clint," I voice out, " that any way to greet your sister? Well technically your foster sister". He slowly undraws his bow, walks towards me and stares me down. "Mary? Mary Sue is that you?," he questions. I smile and laugh, " God I haven't heard that name in a long time but yes it's my Clinton". He smiles and runs to give me a big hug. One that I needed and gladly returned. "It's Daisy now," I whisper in his ear while he hold me. He takes a step back and takes a good look at me and then takes me into his home to talk and to meet his family.

"Now Mar- I mean Daisy this is Cooper my oldest, Lila my baby girl, and baby makes three our youngest Nathaniel. Oh and this is my wife Laura," he explains as I shake their hands and greet them. We take a seat in the living room and Clint can't stop looking at me. " God I haven't seen you in ages," he exclaimed. I smile and try to relax.  "Well that's what happens when you run away from the orphanage," I reply. He points at me, " I gave you a chance to run away with me and you didn't," he complains. I give a look and shoot back, "who wants to to care of a little kid when they run away? And I did run away just way after you did".  His family looks at us amazed while they learn new things about me.

Laura, an absolute sweetheart,brings me a cup of water and says, " forgive me for asking but how did you find us? No one knows about this place except for the Avengers and Nick Fury". I give her a smile and answer her, " Um while Clinton ran off to the circus I was learning computer science. Trying to crack codes and find any chance of learing who my birth parents were. I joined the rising tide after I left the orphanage but left after five years when I got another job. I'm a very good hacker and things haven't been going great for me recently and I just wanted to see a familiar face to talk to and feel normal".

Laura and Clint give me a look and I quickly state, " It's probably something I shouldn't tell you in front of the kids," and they nod in understandment. They then send the kids off to bed.  Clint gives me a look and softly said, "tell us what happened and start from the beginning". I take a deep breath and do exactly that. I start with the Rising tide, joining S.H.I.E.L.D. and accidentally let it slip that Coulson's alive but make Clint sweat to me that he'd keep this quiet from the others because this was not my secret to tell. Then I tell him about me almost dying because Ian Quinn shot me, the GH325 formula, finding out about my parents and how I found my birth name-Daisy- and then I slow down a bit.

"I also found out I'm part alien," I queitly state and both Clint and Laura whip their heads in my direction and I continue, "Its not that I'm part alien but I am Inhuman. That's when I, as a regular person that carries the genetic marker of the Kree. It lies dormant until awaken with a terrigen crystal and that's how I got my powers". They both look at me star struck and then Laura asks, "so you are human but you have DNA from what? Little green men? What kind of powers do you have"? I laugh and shake my head, " So no the Kree are not little green men but big and blue. My powers are that I can tap into any vibrations and use them to my advantage and amplify them," I explain. They take this all in and Clint asks me if that's all and  I tell him no. He's for a long ride.

I tell him about how that I've been a S.H.I.E.L.D. agent all this time because Coulson has been tasked with rebuilding it, the terrigenesis, me meeting Lincoln and then the mind control. That's when I start breaking down. It's been 6 weeks but the wound still feels fresh. I tell him how Lincoln died sacrificing himself, how his last words to me were his  confession, how I never got to say it back, or the fact we never had a proper relationship. While sobbing I contunue and tell him that I left  S.H.I.E.L.D. without anyone knowing because it was all too much.

Clint sits down next to me and gives me a hug. He looks me in the eye and says, "Tell me what you need and it's a done deal". I give him a smile. Of course this is a great offer but I don't want to mess up is life and ruin what he and Laura have. " Are you sure? I don't want to be an inconvenience," I reply. Laura comes and sits on the other side of me and answers, " You're not burdening anyone. Besides I like you and you're Clint's foster sister. You know what I'm not call you his foster sister- from here on out you are his sister". I smile with my puffy eyes and thank them. That's when it hit me that I have one more thing to tell them.  "Oh wait," I shout as they got up to help get me situated in their guest room. "I just found out last week that I'm pregnant and it's Lincoln's. Now it's not the best idea to have an ex- S.H.I.E.L.D. agent to be on the run and its gonna be harder for me to hide because I'm a powered person that refused to sign the Sokovia Accords. Also it would be hard to be on the run while pregnant. So I'm sorry to to pour this all on you but please let me stay here until I give birth and find a way to get situated," I ramble.

I wait quietly for their reaction and reply. Within a second Laura is screaming and bouncing up and down, she runs towards me and gives me a big hug. "Congratulations," she exclaims, " of course you can stay here. I'm so happy you're keeping it. How far along are you? Doesn't matter. I've gone through it three times and I'll help you in any way I can". God this woman is an angel. I look at Clint who is standing there dumbfounded until I clear my throat. He then snaps out of it and looks at me and joins in on the hug.  I look at them both and ask them, " What's next?"

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