Baby Names

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I'm now done with my second trimester and more powerful than I can imagine. I have to be careful with emotions but other than that I'm great. I got another and final check up with Dr.Covey. She smiles at me, "I see you got rid of your brother today". I laugh at that and respond, "oh no, he's just outside today. Being in my third trimester and a waddling hippo makes him even more determined to be around me". The doctor gives me a pout, " awh don't give your brother a hard time. He's just trying to help". I smile at this because I know he is and it means the world to me.

"On the bright side he won't need to come anymore," she states, "this is your last check up! So long as you're still healthy and you don't feel any pain or what not. Remember that there's such thing as Braxton Hicks so be careful and that many children are not born on their due date. Twins are sometime born premature". When she says this I can tell she picks up on my fear so she quickly adds on, " oh honey, that's not as bad as it sounds. It just happens sometimes with twins. I could try and explain it to you but that might make you more confused. All you need to know is if you feel contractions time them and then go to the hospital immediately. Don't worry about things that might not happen just don't relax and don't overstress yourself". I nod at her orders and plan to do just that.

That's when I wipe the gel off my belly and in an ungraceful manner wiggle off the table. I also say bye to Dr.Covey and clean myself up. As soon as I exit the room Clinton is standing there right in front of the door. I roll my eyes, "Jeez Clinton, I told you I don't need you waiting for me. You could've just waited out there in the living room". While I'm complaining he leads me to the common area of the Avengers.

As we walk in I see Thor standing there, I call his name and he sees me. He put a smile on his face that would make any girl's heart skip a beat. " Lady Daisy," he shouts as he gives me a hug, " how are you and the little ones? I wish they're not giving you a hard time". I smile at his thoughtfulness and reply, " No I'm as fine as I can be. I'm trying to not be worried and am hoping these two don't come too early". All of the Avengers look at me when I say this.  "They're coming early," Steve asks me. I shake my hard at him and correct him, " I don't know when they're coming but Dr.Covey said there's a chance that they might come before their due date". They let that information soak in.

just like that Tony slide in and locks arms with me as if we're little kids. " So El-or well your real name is Daisy so I'm gonna call you flower-So flower do you know what you're gonna name them? Just letting you know Anthony or Tony is on the table still," he hints at me. I grin at him then reply, " I would've probably answered you if didn't call me flower, tin man". A few others in the room chuckle and he places a hand across his chest in hurt.

He begs for a hint so he tries to get everyone to back him up and show interest. " Okay," I give in, " I have their names ready. And all I'm gonna say is if you can guess one of them right, I might name the other one after you". As I said my last sentence all of their interest perked up. I told them they get three chances and that they get the hour before I stick with the names I have.  Tony scurries off to try and figure out what I'm gonna name them, Clinton is brainstorming, and the other guys are partaking just because. 

I call time and begin with Bruce. " Okay so Dr.Banner here said Henry, Tyler or Cameron. Those aren't bad names but none of them are right," I state, " Next is a shared sheet by Wanda and Vision. It says Joeseph, Noah and Johnathan. I'm gonna those are nice names but not the ones I chose. Sam and Rhodey wrote Alex, Nick and Derek. Nope, y'all are all wrong so far. Thor says Sam, Oliver and Thomas. I do like those names but no.  Steve's guess is James, Jonas or Eric. Sorry Cap but you're wrong. Clinton is next- I'm scared he might get it right. Let's see Leo, Hunter, or Lincoln," I pause for a moment as read the scrap of paper with this writing, " You has me scared for a second Clint but you're wrong. I love Fitz and would name my kid Leo but not in this pregnancy and I don't want Hunter to get an even bigger ego. Lastly is the man who wants me to name one of my sons after him the most. Tony wrote Peter,  Ian or Daniel. I'm gonna tell your right now, I'm not a fan of the name Daniel anymore. Especially when that was the name of one of the head of Hydra that Kidnapped me and he was a huge Nazi. So Tony sorry but no baby Tony".

After I said this he looked defeated. "Fine if you're not gonna name him after me. Who are you naming them after," Stark asks me. I lean back in the chair I decided to sit in after I hugged Thor. "Well, these names I've chosen are important to me," I inform my audience. "Does that mean you're gonna tell us what their names are," Sam chimes. I shake my head. " I will only reveal their names once these dudes reveal their faces," I joke. Please don't let these babies pop out of me right now.

The day goes on and we hang around a bit. I get tired so I went to bed in the guest room I stayed in last time. An hour later Clinton wakes me up and helps me to the Jet. I say bye to the people I pass by but don't do anymore. I have two months left of pregnancy and from what I can tell, the third trimester is going to be crazy. As soon as we all get settled, Clint whispers to me, " are you gonna at least tell me what you're naming them? Because I think I deserve to know". I chuckle at this while I shift in my seat. "Well all I'm gonna say is I will tell you soon and you'll be the first of the Avengers to know. Other than that I'm telling the kids and Laura first. Not right away though, I will tell them soon. Besides I'm pretty sure Tony is keeping an ear out trying to see what I'm naming the boys" I answer my brother. We chuckle at this because we can tell Tony is trying to listen in but act like he's not caught in the act. Exiting the second semester was a success as was me entering the third one. Can't wait to be done being pregnant.

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