Civil War

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Time has passed and I'm now 36 weeks pregnant. I look like I'm about to pop. It feels that way too.  I've felt Braxton Hicks before and I felt like I was going to die. I had to keep my powers reigned in. Hunter and Bobbi stop by and check in on me. Bobbi is checking on me specifically to see if I'm hurting myself or the babies while I'm trying to control my powers. Turns out I'm fine for now.

Bobbi and Hunter begging me for the babies names so I make the swear to secrecy and tell them. The couple look at me in awe and then Hunter ruins the moment by whispering, " I still think one of the lads should be named after me. Just think about it love". Bobbi and I look at each other and then at her ex-husband and laugh.

This last month has been tiring. Everything I do feels like the life is being drained out of me. I guess this is what I get for creating life. I'm going out with the Barton family to vacation but something is wrong, I can tell by the look on Clinton's face.  He tells us he has to go. I was confused in what was so urgent that he had to bolt so I grab my laptop and check.  There was an incident involving Wanda and people being scared of her. She used her powers trying to save people and others got hurt. The guilt and pain she must feel.  There was also the idea proposed of the Sokovia Accords, to keep powered people "in check" and "held accountable". Bullshit.

There was also an attack at the United Nations meeting in Vienna. The king of Wakanda was dead along with others.The man that was believed to be behind it was Sargeant James Buchanan Barnes- The Winter Soldier.  Oh Steve, this is not going to be easy on them. Knowing the team-there was bound to be a split.  I wonder if the Winter Soldier was really at fault.  If he was why was Steve so obsessed with him? Because he needs to be brought to justice or because that's his friend? I'll find out soon enough.

I called Steve. " Are you okay," I immediately ask. He gives a strained chuckle and responds, " I'm just peachy". I stay quiet for a moment and wonder, " is this why Clint left? And did Barnes do this?". I hear him let out a shaky sigh, " Daisy.... Bucky didn't do this. He was brainwashed, someone else was behind the bombing and triggered his programming". I ask him if it was Hydra but he says no, it was a man they never encountered. " This is going to be one hell of a fight Daisy. Bucky— he's a good man... he's just not in control". I close my eyes to these wonders. I know exactly how he feels. "Steve," I begin, "please be careful. Don't do anything unnecessary and make sure you help your friend. I may not know him but I sure as hell know what it's like not be in control of your mind". I could tell he was about to ask another question so I quickly state, " another story for another time".

Our call ends and I just sit here pondering. If I wasn't pregnant. I would be standing beside him fighting. I get that Tony is trying to do what he thinks what's best as does Steve but they're both so head strong that they can't find a middle ground. They so blinded by their sides that they don't want to look over to the others. I know I have to keep my mind off what's happening because this is going to be stressful. I've been stressed during the whole phone call. So I close my eyes and relax and nod off into a nap.

I jolt up because I was being shaken awake. " Daisy," Laura is shouting, "you're shaking the building you need to stop". My eyes bolt open and before I can do anything I scream. My stomach is hurting. " Ahhh," I cry while holding my stomach. I look at her and whisper, " I think they're coming". I've been worrying and stressed all day because of  Clint and the situation that happened ar the UN. It must've made me so stressed that I'm going into labor. This was not going to end well. Please don't let me tear down this building or hurt anyone.

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