Trip to Wakanda

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The whole ride I managed to have Steve keep me busy by telling me stories so that I wouldn't focus on the pain. I mean I'm an Inhuman that could take down this plane if I wanted but it could happen by accident and I don't want that to happen. Bucky also seemed greatful for the distraction. Especially since I didn't bring up the fight that recently happened. That would was too fresh for me to get into to. It would seem like I'm dumping salt and lemon into the wound. I just have to be patient and maybe they'll tell me maybe they won't but that's their decision.

We get of the quinjet and make our way towards T'Challa. Now both Bucky and Steve have their arms linked with mine and are holding me up. I smile at the prince. " Prince T'Challa," I start, " thank you for allowing this to happen. I know you didn't need to and for that I am grateful. I also give you my condolences. I know what it's like to miss my father. I wish you and your family the best and hope your reign to be great. This place is amazing as well". The prince of Wakanda give me a smile and replies, "thank you for you kind words. You speak very well for someone who is aware of what just happened. I do wish to say that I am curious to see what kind of powers you hold. Let's get you inside, the doctors are ready".

He leads us to the hospital room that is prepped for me and I change out of my clothing into a gown. The hospital gown I'm wearing is nothing like the ones in the hospital in America. They're comfortable and not rough. Steve and Bucky are about to leave the room but I call out, "please don't. I know I don't know you guys as well as you know each other but I don't want to do this alone and I'm scared". Steve turns around in his spot and looks at me. He can tell that I'm scared and nervous so he makes his way back to me and says, " it's a deal but fist let us change. I'd hate for your children's first impression of me to a dirty guy". I laugh at this and feel a bit more at ease.

A man working for T'Challa is called over and he tells him in a foreign language to show them the way. T'Challa makes his way over to me and states, "you know you never told me your name or what your powers are". I crane my head over to look up at him and respond, " Well my name is Daisy. Daisy Johnson and I'll tell you about my powers when the boys return since they're going to be stuck in the room with my whole I give birth". He nods and we wait in comfortable silence.

The guys return and I clear my throat. "Okay now since they're here I will explain what I can do. My powers consist of being able to manipulate vibrations. Since everything gives off a natural vibration, I'm allowed to tap into them and amplify or do what ever I want. That's why I was able to toss you across the room Steve," I inform them. The prince asks for a demonstration and so I nod. I look over to Steve first hoping he'd be the example and he agrees. " Oh and Steve since I'm further along in my pregnancy than I was last time my powers have gotten stronger and because I'm in labor this will hurt a lot probably. Bucky you might want to get out of the way too just saying," I announce.

With that said Bucky moves out of the kill zone. I raise my hand and quake Steve. What I don't expect is for him to go flying so hard and smack into the wall. I was about to get up and check on him but I groan from a new wave of contractions. Bucky and T'Challa look at me in shock. " Steve are you okay," I scream. I can hear his groan from across the room. "oh yeah I'm alive. I think that would've even hurt Thor," Steve grunts. Bucky goes over to his pal and checks on him. T'Challa stops being speechless and spoke, " the doctor will be in now to check out and give you your epidural if it is needed right now". He walks away when he says this and I quickly say, " your highness. If they're are people in this building you must inform them because even if the Vibranium is strong to hold me back, the rooms and buildings will still shake". He nods and exits the room.

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