Entering Home and the Second Trimester

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Seeing as we got home on Sunday afternoon the kids came hurtling out the house door. First they jumped on Clint screaming, "Dad! You're finally home".  Next they turned to me and attacked, "Auntie Daisy!you're back". I chuckle at this and give them the biggest hugs and say, " Did you think I wouldn't come back? Nah I like you kids too much to leave".

We finish greeting Cooper and Lila socthat we can enter the house so we can do the same for Laura and baby Nathaniel. We spot Laura putting Nate down for his afternoon nap so we wait to say hi and give each other hugs. Laura whispers to us, " Okay so settle down and we can all talk over lunch". We agree to the plan and unpack. The reason we, especially I, need to unpack was because we stayed at the tower longer than expected so I had to purchase some clothes and Clint had some in his old room there.

Clint knocks on the door before I tell him to come in and he sits at the chair by the desk. "So how you feeling," he asks. I give him a tilted head look and smile. " Other than having to wear dresses and brightly colored clothing, I'm fine. I just need to get back into my old clothes," I answer, "Also, don't tell them about the twins thing, I want to surprise them by hiding the sonagram pictures under their lunch plates". After hearing my plan, Clint's grinning like a fool. "I still can't believe you're having twins," he says in disbelief. I tell him I can't either and that it hasn't hit me yet.

As soon as I finished packing, Clint and I quickly volunteered to make lunch and set everything up. The kids were happy about this and Laura makes a surprised face but is fine with it. I quickly run towards the cabinets to grab the plate and start giggling with Clint when the others are looking away. I'm starting to feel fine and it's all thanks to this family. We finish setting up and lunch is served.

We all take a seat at the dining room table and begin eating. We're all having our short side table chats until after we're done. Clint winks at me before he clears his throat and announces, " Okay Lila and Cooper pick up you plates and put them in the kitchen now". They follow their father's command and see a picture underneath the plate. At first they were confused so they put the plate in the sink and came back for the picture.

Laura was too busy feeding Nathaniel to see why they were confused until she looked up and saw what kind of picture they're holding up. She lets out a scream and then gasps, " it that what I think it is? Oh my god," she exclaims.  Right then she moves aside her plate and screams again, " Your baby's first picture. Congratulations Daisy". I smile and was about to say thank you when I realize I have to correct her. "My babies pictures. I'm having more than one baby, twins". Her head and the kids heads whip towards me and then they all start screaming and giving me hugs. I laugh at this because I have someone to share this with and they're making me feel so loved and welcomed.

Laura crouches down and asks, " how far along are you? Do you know what the genders are?". I shake my head and reply, " I was about 12 weeks in when I left here but when I can back I have now entered my second trimester! And no I don't know what they're genders are. I'm not even sure I want to know. I want it to be a surprise".  The married couple looks at me happy and amazed. For some reason I start to cry and they immediately console me asking me what's wrong. I laugh while tears trickle down my face and say, "Nothing. I'm just happy that I've decided to keep these little buns and that I have you both with me. I'm just relieved I'm not doing this alone. Lincoln would've been so happy to hear their heartbeats. I'm happy doing right by him".

After I let out these sad girl tears I look towards Lila and Cooper who were sitting and watching us quietly. "Okay so since these babies are gonna be your cousins, do you want a boy or girl? Or both? There's two of them. Here's the deal if you can both agree on the genders, I will let your father find out what they genders are and we can have a reveal," I explain to them. With that they were bouncing up and down, soon after they both ran away to decide what their answer would be. Clint is grinning like a fool again when he picks me up and spins me around the room. " Clinton put me down! You're mixing morning sickness with dizziness of a pregnant woman," I scream. He put me down laughing and then I'm given a hug by Laura. Right now I'm happy and with my family.

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